Monday, September 30, 2019

Pilgrimage Toward Social Equality

The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 declaring African’s freedom from slavery and officially making them part of the United States was mandated a century prior to Martin Luther King Jr’s historical speech calling for social justice and abolition of racial discrimination against African Americans. Between the two historical periods, the black communities all over America have suffered subtle and savage forms of discrimination and oppression from the whites. The black community strived to seal their place in society amidst hostility and negative criticisms.One short story that very well illustrates their struggles is Ralph Ellison’s Battle Royal. The story provides a very descriptive narration of a black man’s pilgrimage to overcome oppression from an overly-racist community ruled by the economically-powerful white men and to find his opportunity to shape the destiny of his people. This paper aims to provide a vivid presentation of inhumane and savage oppre ssion that the African Americans encountered in Southern America before gaining their voice and place in American society.Battle Royal was narrated in a first-person perspective with a nameless narrator. He suggests that twenty years back, he has been struggling to find his own identity through other people’s acceptance and affirmation. He further explained that his dilemma for self discovery rooted from his grandfather’s last words on his deathbed, â€Å"Live with your head in the lion’s mouth. I want you to overcome ‘em, with yeses, undermine ‘em with grins, agree ‘em to death and destruction. Let ‘em swoller you till they vomit or bust wide open.† (Ellison, 2000, p 935) He calls his grandfather’s lines a â€Å"curse† haunting him whenever he feels accepted as the narrator describes, â€Å"When I was praised for my conduct, I felt a guilt that in some way, I was doing something that was really against the wishes of the white folks, that if they had understood they would have desired me to act just the opposite, that I should have been sulky and mean, and that they really would have been what they wanted, even though they were fooled and thought they wanted me to act as I did.†(Ellison, 936) The narrator’s statement represents his mindset of his actions and attitude toward the white folks. His current partially confused mindset is influenced by his grandfather’s words. In layman’s term, his grandfather’s words can be translated to a call to action to fight a good fight by acting according to the opponent’s will until they take you all in with acceptance until they destruct themselves in their own volition.One such incident where the orator became accepted and triumphant is when he delivered a graduation speech, which he describes by saying, â€Å"On my graduation day I delivered an oration in which I showed that humility was the secret, indeed, the ver y essence of progress. (Not that I believed this — how could I, remembering my grandfather? — I only believed that it worked)† (Ellison 938). His speech received accolades from his professors that he was given the opportunity to deliver it again in a â€Å"gathering of the town’s most leading white citizens†.When he arrived at the venue where he was supposed to deliver his speech, he was informed that before delivering his speech, he needs to join the Battle Royal. The hotel he’s in at that moment was indeed full of economically powerful people all dressed up with their tuxedos, intoxicating themselves with whiskey, and getting themselves a good spot among the chairs neatly lined up along the three corners of the ring. Inside the ring, a pool of black men were lined up blindfolded and were forced to do engage in a violent boxing war against each other.After torturous moments of fighting like headless chickens on the ring, the narrator was abl e to see slightly behind his blindfold. His awareness enabled him to keep a good fight without drawing attention to himself so the white men wouldn’t notice that he’s starting to dodge his hits. In the end of the first round, the narrator remained on the ring together with the biggest boy in the group to fight. While they were fighting it out on the ring, the narrator tried to negotiate with his opponent by scripting the fight and he’ll give him a proportion of the winning pot.His opponent refused and they continued to fight until the narrator was knocked out. Allegorically, the narrator’s unexpected battle before delivering his speech is a symbolic representation of the African American’s years of pains and struggles before they were given the chance to be heard. The battle royal may well represent the fights that black men wage against each other just to gain money, position, and prominence, as is the case of the narrator’s opponent.The co ncept of the fighters blindfolded can be allusion to some of the black men’s blindness of allowing the economically powerful white men to use them as a means of entertainment as if they were freaks of nature. After the first round, the fighters were then called out again for another round of activity where they were attracted to scourge over gold coins and bills scattered in a rug. They urged the fighters to gather the coins for themselves saying it’s all good â€Å"American cash†. In the process, they soon discovered that the rug was electrified.This narration emphasized the white men’s racism through barbaric treatment to the black men, as they treat them like animals. When the show ended, all the participants were paid and the narrator was about to leave the nightmare when the MC called him back to deliver his speech in the congregation of intoxicated people who have earlier gained pleasure through his pains. The narrator proceeded to deliver his Booke r T. Washington inspired speech while trying to conceal his aching physique while gulping down his blood.The narrator described that his audience continued with their incessant chatting and laughter as he delivers his speech and though he was tempted to do something else, the presence of the school superintendent who is still closely listening to him kept him going. In the process of his oration and swallowing his own blood, the narrator accidentally yelled â€Å"social equality†, a phrase had â€Å"often seen denounced in newspaper editorials, heard debated in public. † (Ellison, 940)Upon uttering the word, a deep silenced covered the whole room and the narrator received hostile reactions from his intoxicated audience, until a mustached man asked him upfront what he just said, and he got the chance to correct himself. The interrogator then asked him if he’s not being smart and that social equality was indeed a mistake. The narrator nodded and the man dropped th is statement, â€Å"We mean to do right by you, but you’ve got to know your place at all times. † (Ellison, 944)This man’s powerful statement is a general representation of the white men’s attitude towards racism over the negroes. They are aware of such discrimination, but they gain pleasure in treating them as inferior human beings as it constantly feeds them the feeling of superiority and power. The man’s statement may mean well as to change the narrator’s current status but he commands him to keep his head and mouth in its’ proper place. Upon the end of his speech, he was greeted with applauses as if the entire audience listened with so much enthusiasm to his speech.The school superintendent then came up to the stage to present him with a gift- a scholarship to the State College of Negroes. He then turned to the narrator and addressed him, â€Å"Prize it. Keep developing as you are and someday, it will be filled with important pap ers that will help shape the destiny of your people. † (Ellison, 947) The scholarship the narrator received is a symbol of an opportunity presented to him to â€Å"shape the destiny of his people†. That by going to college, he might become more knowledgeable and able so as to create a better society for his people.The scholarship becomes the first step to his pilgrimage towards social equality. Battle Royal is a very compelling short story that Ralph Ellison eventually made it the first chapter of his greatly-acclaimed novel, the â€Å"Invisible Man†. Every black man in that horrifying period might have been represented by the nameless narrator and all the pain he was inflicted during the Battle Royal is a representation of every black man’s pain and struggle for years.If the readers at that period view it as an allegory to the harsh conditions of the African American people within the American society, it would have been a wakeup call to those who were op pressed to unite and to those oppressors to change the society. References: Ellison, Ralph. â€Å"Battle Royal. † Making Literature Matter. Ed. John Schilb and John Clifford. Boston: Bedford, 2000. Ellison, Ralph Waldo. Invisible Man. New York: Random House, 1952.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Genre Analysis Essay

Whenever we get sick, we see a doctor. We go to see a doctor to get a prescription to a drug which will make us better. We take the drug until we are better and once we are we store the drug in a cabinet for later. Many of us do not know that by keeping the unused drugs we are putting people around us in danger; especially children and teens. Children and teens are more curious to try the drugs and see the different reactions to their body not knowing one can be fatal and the other addicting. A lot of people do not notice the severity of leaving such powerful drugs unattended and are later faced with the terrible consequences of their actions. Due to recent cases of prescription drug abuse, the media is sending out to messages to make the public aware of the problem and show the different ways that it can be prevented. These messages or genres play an important part in the audience response. Credibility, image, words, and color will structure the message and see how effective it is. Using two different genres one will be more effective than the other and communicate the message more effectively. Purpose and Audience  The flyer â€Å"Join us in helping parents prevent teen prescription drug abuse† by Raymond Coalition for Youth is structured for individuals who want to prevent the problem from happening. This flyer could be posted in doctor’s offices, pharmacies, grocery stores, and community centers making the information open to anyone who sees it and is interested in reading the information provided. There is no need to look it up online or go to certain places to see it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Diverse Practices in Business Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Diverse Practices in Business Culture - Essay Example The criterion to use diverse practices is successful only when a firm is able to ascertain in what context they would be beneficial for them. The cross-cultural training has been given to students so they can understand the differences among cultures and hence, can adapt global business practices acceptable for all. Hofstede’s framework of cultural dimensions in a workplace has been considered an adequate system to ascertain, what kind of diverse practices would work in a specific region and how can a foreign company can sustain in a different culture without conflicting with their diverse cultural values. Hence, modernization and convergence have already affected the diversity of different cultures, with the domination of western capitalists the culture at the workplace is considered as a universal culture. Nevertheless, one needs to learn in what amount diversity would be acceptable in conflict with the national culture. Since national culture directly influences job performance, therefore, its effects can increase and decrease according to the nature of the job. Consequently, cultural norms if taken into consideration while formulating workplace norms results in fruitful outcomes. Afterwards, diversity does not become a cause of emotional turmoil instead it becomes acceptable even in diverse cultures without resistance.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The conduct of the DEA was an unconstitutional exercise of Congress' Case Study

The conduct of the DEA was an unconstitutional exercise of Congress' Commerce Clause authority - Case Study Example (Rule) The term commerce as used in the Constitution means business or commercial exchanges in any and all of its forms between citizens of different states, including purely social communications between citizens of different states by telegraph, telephone, or radio, and the mere passage of persons from one state to another for either business or pleasure. Intrastate, or domestic, commerce is trade that occurs solely within the geographic borders of one state. As it does not move across state lines, intrastate commerce is subject to the exclusive control of the state. (Rule) (Application) Here, Jones' list of activities, to wit the intrastate, noncommercial cultivation, possession and use of marijuana for personal medical purposes on the advice of a physician is, in fact, different in kind from drug trafficking. Moreover, this limited use is clearly distinct from the broader illicit drug market insofar as the growing of marijuana at issue in this case is not intended for, nor does it enter, the stream of commerce.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discuss the agency problem relating to multinational companies, and in Essay

Discuss the agency problem relating to multinational companies, and in particular multinational banks, and how, they differ from - Essay Example The situation of agency problem is such in many of the organizations that the agents or the management of the organization makes use of their authority for deriving personal benefits rather than benefits of the principals or the shareholders. In other words, agency problem arises due to the conflicting interests among the management, creditors and shareholders’ regarding the goals of the organization as well as that of the concerned parties (Investopedia, 2011). The agency problem in multinational companies can be appropriately discussed by focusing on the ways as to how the supervision and regulation affects the risk-taking measures of the banks in the host-country (Ongena & Et. Al., 2011). This research paper is aimed to present the discussion on agency problem in multinational companies, particularly banks, through review of various aspects related to the evolution of the problems. The research also aims to present a comparative study of the agency problems faced by the mul tinational organizations and domestic organizations. Two Most Common Agency Problems in Banks In the non-financial corporations, an incentive is provided to the shareholders through limited liability that allows them to seize bondholders’ wealth by increasing the level of risk. The government is indulged in protecting the bond holders from the outcome of risk taking activities of the banks. Thus, the shareholders’ incentive to supervise and restrain risk taking is low. In the banking literature, such situation of absence of discipline is known as the â€Å"moral hazard problem associated with deposit insurance†. A second very common situation of agency problem arises due to the limits on the wealth of managers that forces a separation of control and ownership. This forces the managers to consider their own objectives to be more important than that of the shareholders (Demsetz, 1997). Agency Problems and Risk Taking at Multinational Banks The root cause of agency problems in multinational companies, particularly banks is related to the structuring of regulations for multinational banking units. The host country is more interested in structuring the regulations in such a way that would provide disadvantage to the foreign firms to compete with the domestic firms. But this notion would result in inconsistency with the objective of a single market (Baum, 2002). The consequence of leaving the supervision and regulation in the home country, as evident from the case of the European Union, is that the member countries adopted different structures of regulation and supervision for the financial institutions. Thus, if the multinational banks are faced with similar regulatory issues, they would either split according to functions or would consolidate regulation into one agency. In that case, in certain situations the Central Bank will be involved, whereas in other cases, it would not. Hence, it is evident that considering these regulatory issues, the multinational banks would select policy trade-offs on the basis of their degrees of responsibilities and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Week9 journal entry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week9 journal entry - Assignment Example The appropriate governance plays a critical role in devising solutions to issues that may be affecting a country such as what China is attempting to resolve. Democracy is the key aspect behind nation working in collaboration towards a common goal because ides are contributed from various sources, then analyzed before they are implemented. The style of leadership is equally important because it determines the procedure of decision-making. This is in turn related to the third essay in that the issue of environmental degradation in China brings up the idea of international relations as the country attempts to acquire assistance from the U.S in reducing carbon emissions. When leaders facilitate the connection of countries through helping each other at times of need, democracy prevails and better living standards are realized. This therefore explains the importance of democracy as well as establishment of good international

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Texas City Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Texas City Case Study - Essay Example The gas condensed into a liquid that was ultimately ignited by an idling truck. The workers on the crew that overfilled the tank, as well as the driver of the idling truck are in this sense directly responsible for the disaster. They violated proper procedure and those failing to intervene or report these violates are culpable. This culpability is mitigated by the requirement that fatigue workers work 12 hour shifts, in the context of normative, company-led safety violations and lack of safety training, functioning alarms and other safety equipment. The driver of the truck, while perhaps the most proximate individual trigger for the disaster, is fairly neutral in terms of culpability, having no knowledge of the gas inside the tank. Laudability and culpability are mixed, though weighted more toward culpability when it comes to the government body tasked with overseeing workplace safety. OSHA, despite issuing a warning to BP before the disaster, OSHA failed to instigate comprehensive inspections. This lax attitude nullified the lastline of defense against such tragedy. Merritt, lead investigator for the CSB, said that â€Å"the drastic effects of corporate cost-cutting† caused the fire. At the time of the disaster, the company had recently merged with Arco. Low oil prices put pressure on management that ultimately resulted in the most culpable decisions leading to the disaster; lack of investment in plant safety and infrastructure, deliberate skirting of needed safety equipment and precautions, as well as staff cuts and overwork. According to the CSB, BP managers cut capital spending and spending on maintenance in the years leading to the disaster, and following years of low investment. This was, however, an industry norm at the time. Safety features such as alarms were not present or not working, while the layout

Monday, September 23, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Interview - Essay Example This paper will discuss the problems experienced by Asian immigrants during their stay in USA. Being an immigrant in the USA, it is very hard to find a job even with good academic qualifications. The country has a culture of prioritizing the Native Americans and hence the immigrants find it hard to find a job. The job market is USA is flooded making many people unemployed. This situation makes it difficult for Asians to find jobs in USA. The expectations of the immigrants are very high due to the country’s economic position but in the end they feel very disappointed (Waters, Mary and Karl 429). Most of the employers will be reluctant to choose an immigrant over an American. The employers have a perception that the Americans are better than the Asian immigrants in all ways. To find a job, the Asians will have to obtain a work permit. Obtaining a work permit is very easy for Americans but very troublesome for the immigrant, the process that the immigrant is required to go through are very complex and most of them give up in the process. There is a lot of scrutinies and the requirements to obtain a permit are high. This is a discouraging factor to immigrant and most of them end up doing dirty jobs in order to survive. The interview I did on Kawon Kim Park who is an Asian immigrant proved that most Asian immigrants will want to study in the USA but not work in the USA. She was certain that after school she wouldn’t want to work in the USA due to the high competition especially for the Immigrants. According to a report by the AAPI initiative, the average poverty level of Asian immigrants in USA is 12.6 which is below the average USA poverty level (AAPI initiative retrieved from Such statistic creates an impression that life is difficult for Asian immigrants in the country. The statistics indicate that over 61% of the Asian immigrants

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Reading Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Reading Crisis - Essay Example This decline in the mastery of reading skills is especially prevalent in boys. The Department of Education has reported that, for the past 30 years, boys have been scoring lower and lower on reading tests and consistently score lower than girls in this area ("Pearson Toolkit"). The impact of poor reading skills is far reaching and long lasting. According to an article entitled â€Å"Early Literacy Development,† students with poor reading skills were linked to â€Å"poverty, crime, and unemployment† (National Dropout Prevention Center/Network). Additionally, in a study conducted by the American Educational Research Association, it was found that â€Å"a student who can’t read on grade level by 3rd grade is four times less likely to graduate by age 19 than a child who does read proficiently by that time† (Sparks). Those with strong proficiency in reading tend to experience greater financial and employment success. There are several different possibilities as to what is causing students to struggle with mastering reading skills. The biggest reason has to do with teaching strategies. According to the article entitled â€Å"Boys and Reading,† boys need a larger amount of instruction when it comes to reading as literacy skills tend to develop at a slower rate for boys than for girls ("Pearson Toolkit"). ... ching reading skills in an effective manner, according to the article entitled â€Å"Early Literacy Development.† Some of these tactics include â€Å"phonics instruction, teacher read-alouds, a book-rich literate environment, a variety of reading and writing activities, shared reading, and student’s reading aloud to others† (National Dropout Prevention Center/Network). In a study entitled â€Å"Increasing Reading Skills in Rural Areas: An Analysis of Three School Districts,† it was determined that teachers need better training and support in order to efficiently teach reading curriculum and skills to their students. The research concluded that achieving mastery of reading skills results in â€Å"exposure to much greater volume of material, and thus also produces a strikingly greater accumulation of vocabulary, language skills, and general knowledge† (Stockard). The study also concluded that the most effective type of instructions when it came to rea ding was â€Å"systematic and explicit instruction.†(Stockard). This type of instruction basically creates an environment where teachers do not leave room for confusion as to what the lesson or goal of the lesson is. Such a curriculum includes â€Å"clear instructional targets, modeling, guided and independent practice with corrections, and assessments embedded within the instruction†(Stockard). In order to implement this type of change, it is imperative that teachers receive training and support. In this particular study, the support was given to the teacher by way of the National Institute for Direct Instruction. An â€Å"Implementation Manager† visited the school and actively observed the teacher’s current method of reading instruction(Stockard). After noting the problem areas, the Implementation Manager spent time coaching

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Production vs Operation Management Essay Example for Free

Production vs Operation Management Essay Production management and operations management are management jargon that needs to be simplified for those who are sitting on the fence or those inside an organization unable to comprehend them clearly. Sometimes it becomes confusing to be talking about production management inside operations management but they are separate and distinct entities in the study of management as ultimately, production is a part of the whole cycle of operations. Read on to clarify the doubts. Operations Management The study of set of activities comprising supervision, planning and designing of business operations in the field of manufacturing of goods and services is termed as operations management. The purpose of operations management is to make certain that the operations of a business are efficient and effective and result in minimum of wastage. Operations management tries to cut down resources involved in operations while at the same time making operations more effective and productive. In fact operations management is more concerned on processes than people or products. Operations management in a nutshell is using physical resources in an optimum manner, converting input into output, so as to supply to the market the desired and finished product. Production Management Production management on the other hand focuses specifically on the production of goods and services and is concentrated upon churning output from input. It is a broad sum of activities that go into turning raw material into final, finished product. One may feel that production management is a subset of operations management, but production management in itself is a broad subject that comprises production planning and control, inventory management, and operations control. Production management includes all management activities spanning selection. Designing, operating, controlling and updating production system. In brief: Operations vs Production Management †¢ Both production management and operations management play an important role in an organization in increasing the efficiency and productivity. †¢ While operations management is focused upon administration, planning and execution of operations involved in production of goods and services and trying to minimize the resources at the same time increasing output, production management is more concerned with input/output and churning out products in the shape of desired finished product.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility: Coca Cola

Corporate Social Responsibility: Coca Cola In each and every company, corporate social responsibility is aimed at coming up with business processes that will have an overall positive impact on the society. The society expects that a company should improve the residents lifestyles by offering more job opportunities, good infrastructure, health care, education and some other aspects needed in the society. Companies need to consider the quality of their management processes and how they affect the society (, n.d.). However, not always will the activities of a company affect the society positively. Sometimes the effects of some of the activities of a company may be negative where the operations. For instance the activities may lead to drought in the affected area, water pollution, production of unhealthy products to human bodies and many more. Coca Cola Company has got both positive and negative impact on the society and the need to explore these two sides is of great importance to enhance this understanding. Coke is based in United States and its headquartered in Atlanta. It was incepted in 1886. It is a multi-national company operating in more than 200 countries across the world (, n.d.). This paper examines the Coca Cola Companys social performance, how it has affected the society both positively and negatively and then draws a balanced conclusion on the companys performance. Main body The Coca Cola Company generated $22 billion in net operating revenues in the year 2004 being the worlds largest beverage company. The company operates in many countries of the world and works with the community in which it is operating (, 2004). According to the companys annual report of the year 2004, it has got a great opportunity for growth in that it makes huge profits per day according to the beverages consumed per day. The companys main agenda is to meet the needs of the customers in terms of beverages through identifying means for connecting consumers together, with their communities and the companys brands. The unit case volume for the company increased tremendously in the year 2004 and several products were launched. The coca cola company engages itself with many activities which are aimed at assisting the residents of a particular company to live a good life and get services which are not offered by the government. The company accomplishes this through the established foundation known as the Coca Cola Foundation which was founded in 1984. The foundation is committed to developing and maintaining vibrant, sustainable communities to make the society a better home for man. Job opportunities are created in places where Coke is established and therefore the local people can afford a daily bread. The foundation ventures into different areas which are always difficult for the local communities people to maneuver. These areas are but not limited to providing clean and enough water to the community, ensuring health standards are observed, enforced community tendency of recycling to reduce the effects of the litter and finally it sees the poor children complete their school without necessarily dropping ou t. All these are good initiatives and programs carried out by the foundation and funded by the Coca Cola Company. With the realization that education is a major aspect to socioeconomic development, the Coca Cola Company has greatly invested greatly in this area to assist the students pursue their dreams. The main aim of the foundation in the community is to reduce the incidences of school drop-outs, enhancement of the reading and promote literacy in the community, grant scholarships and building educational infrastructure. In the United States, this Coca Cola scholarship program is the most respected and recognized which was created in 1986. Since the establishment of the program, more than 4250 scholars have benefited from this program which saw good utilization of the $38 million to fund this program. The Coca Cola Foundation is also charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the health of the residents of a certain community is catered for and improved. The foundation works closely with the health officers in the area and other experts to assist and educate the resident on the health issues concerning diseases like polio, tuberculosis, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. The foundation has got the so called HIV/AIDS initiative which works to ensure the epidemic is managed and greatly reduced. The foundation is seeking more funding to spread this initiative to some of the African countries with high cases of this killer disease. The Coca Cola Company desire to help the needy is always their mission. During an event of a catastrophe in any area of the world, the foundation ensures they practice relief and recovery mission to ensure lives of people are not lost. The company provides bottled water, vehicles to distribute aid and also offer volunteer services. They offer the aid during and after the calamity has occurred. During the recent Haiti earth quake tragedy, Coca Cola donated $2 million to the red cross to assist in the recovery mission, water and other Coca Cola beverages to reach those who were in need. This program dabbed disaster relief and recovery was installed to help all those who needed critical assistance. The foundation engaged in community initiatives where water programs are put in place to ensure that a community is water sufficient and to balance the water the company uses in its production process. The company is committed to ensuring conservation of natural resources, conservation of the soil, water and climate which are the essentials of life on the surface of the earth. The activities of the company cannot leave a society unhurt in one way or the other in terms of the quality of the products, how it handles the employees and how the activities affect the environment. It is believed that the products of the Coca Cola Company are not so good in the body because of their constituent ingredients. Consumption of Coke products may lead problems like diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, heart disease and many other neurological disorders. Cokes products contain phosphoric acid which leeches calcium from the body and therefore weakening the bones. This has led to the increase in the cases of osteoporosis due to lack of calcium in the body. The dissolved calcium accumulates in the skin, arteries, veins and organs which ultimately gives the kidney a lot of pressure when exercising its functions and then later result in the formation kidney stones (, 2008). Soft drinks from the Coca Cola Company contain a drug called caffeine which proves to be har mful to human health especially among children. Caffeine affects the central nervous system which causes disorders like insomnia, nervousness, anxiety and abnormal heartbeat. The soft drinks more so cause dental decay because they contain a lot of sugar which is the liked by bacteria. As the bacteria feed on the sugar found on the teeth, they give out excretions which react with the enamel of the teeth thus causing tooth decay. The company attracts a lot of criticism from different sections of the world in that it sells only sugared water and nothing else (Rothacher, 2010). Coca Cola has the most aggressive lawyers in the world who ensure the companys rules are adhered to regarding where and how to sell the coca cola products. The company has also been accused of discrimination and a case was filled in 1999 against the company for this offense. The company favored the Americans to the African-American employees in terms job promotions, allowances and recruitment. The company has bee n adversely criticized for the overexploitation and pollution of water in India and draining of large amount of ground water and turning most of the place in this country into virtual desert. The effect was so adverse that the Indian parliament banned the sale of Coke products in the country to reduce wanton destruction of the environment (Rogers, 2004). Even the water sheds that remained were seriously polluted that it was not fit for human consumption. As a show of goodwill to the residents, Coke distributed clean water in tankers to people after tampering with the natural sources of water. Conclusion The Coca-Cola Company has been involved in both positive and negative activities in the society. The initiatives that the Coke company undertake has enabled the people in those areas to lead better lives and afford most of the services that were otherwise just a mirage. The company is working tirelessly to ensure that the lives of communities are improved and their health too. The creation of the Coco cola foundation has made all the programs to come to reality for the most of people where the company is found. Therefore, there is need for the local residents to support what the company is striving to achieve because at the end of the day, they will be the beneficiaries. Without services like education, health care and agriculture the society would lag behind in terms of economic growth. It is with the realization of this idea that the Coca Cola Company has embarked on supporting these areas for better society. Even though the company performs commendable activities in the society, t he effects on the environment, health and human rights are much felt. The products cause health problems and therefore need not be condoned. Shortage of water in India and other parts of the world is as a result of Coke Company activities. There is need for the company to scrutinize these criticisms and act accordingly if at all they have a desire to stay in the market for long.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Disease in the Middle Ages :: Health

In the Medieval and Renaissance time periods, health conditions were extraordinarily poor for the European nations. Many different diseases and ailments arose to plague these unfortunate people. Luckily for them they had their much esteemed doctors, scholars and the highly â€Å"religious† clergy members to â€Å"help† rid them of their affliction. They offered solutions to the suffering souls seeking answers and a cure. Many of these illnesses were spread through prostitution, consumed grain, animals or too much of a bodily humor. It could be agreed upon that the medical education of these times were few and none. The most popular sickness of the middle ages was the four bodily humors. This physiological philosophy was brought about by Hippocrates, who was wrongfully regarded as the Father of Medicine. As history does, the ideas of great medical practitioners of ancient Greece were passed down through the Unani peoples to the Europeans. The four types of bodily humors are; black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. The idea was that too much of one of these humors would upset the balance of a person’s temperament. The humors were also associated with the four elements and seasons and have their own qualities. Yellow bile had the element of fire and the season of summer, it is said to cause irritability and anger and is characterized as hot and dry. Too much phlegm or water would make one sluggish or lazy, its season is winter and it’s said to be cold and moist. Black bile, having the element of earth and the season of autumn is said to make one sad and melancholic and is charac terized as cold and dry. Next there’s phlegm, associated with the element of water and the season of winter. Having too much phlegm results in apathy and is characterized as cold and moist.Lastly is blood, just like phlegm this bodily humor is somewhat self-explanatory. Blood, with the element of air and the season of summer, is said to bring about temperament and disposition and is characterized as, of course, hot and moist. This is also where the term hot-blooded is derived from. These behavioral unbalances were treated through diet, exercise, and activity prescribed to purge the body of the imbalanced humor. For example a person with the symptoms of yellow bile (hot and dry) would be treated by increasing its opposite, phlegm (cold and moist). The patient would be told to take cold baths until the symptoms decreased, but if this prescription did not work they were told to take hellebore, a poison with the side effects of vomiting and diarrhea.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Religion, Slavery, and Democracy in Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Religion, Slavery, and Democracy in Huckleberry Finn This essay will analyze the themes of religion, slavery, and democracy in the book Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. By exploring these themes that lie behind the book’s veneer, we can understand Twain’s objective for writing this book. Religion is sarcastically reflected in Huckleberry Finn by Twain’s sense of storyline and the way his characters talk. A predominant theme, and probably one of Twain's favorites, is the mockery of religion. Twain tended to attack organized religion at every opportunity and the sarcastic character of Huck Finn is perfectly situated to allow him to do so. The attack on religion can already be seen in the first chapter, when Huck indicates that hell sounds like a lot more fun than heaven. This will continue throughout the novel, with one prominent scene occurring when the "King" convinces a religious community to give him money so he can "convert" his pirate friends. Twain’s skeptical take on religion can be elicited because superstition is a theme that both Huck and Jim bring up several times. Although both of these characters tend to be quite rational, they quickly become irrational when anything remotely superstitious happens to them. The role of superstition in this book is two-fold: First, it shows that Huck and Jim are child-like in spite of their otherwise extremely mature characters. Second, it serves to foreshadow the plot at several key junctions. For example, spilling salt leads to Pa returning for Huck, and later Jim gets bitten by a rattlesnake after Huck touches a snakeskin with his hands. Another theme that is dealt with in this book is slavery. In fact, slavery is one of the main topics that has been frequently debated in regards to Huckleberry Finn since it was first published. Twain himself was vehemently anti-slavery and Huckleberry Finn can in many ways be seen as an allegory for why slavery is wrong. Twain uses Jim, a slave who is one of the main characters, as a way of showing the human side of a slave. Everything about Jim is presented through emotions: Jim runs away because Miss Watson was going to sell him South and separate him from his family; Jim is trying to become free so he can buy his family's freedom; and Jim takes care of Huck and protects him on their journey downriver in a very materialistic manner.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Playing Roller Hockey Essay -- Personal Narrative Sports Athletics Ess

Playing Roller Hockey Throughout my lifetime, many different goals have been set and achieved, but the most significant goal I accomplished was making the Foothill Grizzlies hockey team. Playing hockey, by far, is one of my favorite things to do. Whether I am playing for fun in a pickup game or against a top team in the state, hockey is what I love to do. The Foothill Grizzlies were a roller hockey team that was formed when I was about the age of 13. I had heard many good things about the team, which at the time was one of the most respected teams in the state of California. Coached by a man named Jon Adimack, the team had won most of the tournaments and leagues they entered in. Hearing about this team and the consistency of its players, I was shocked to hear they were hosting tryouts. I jumped on the opportunity, because the leagues I had been in were not the most competitive. I was looking for a chance to step my game up and play for a traveling tournament team. When I showed up for the tryouts, I was amazed at the way the players knew one another. The guys had been playing for a long time together, so the communication on and off of the rink was outstanding. Not only were they teammates, but they were also best friends. Seeing all of these things, I was a little skeptical to tryout, because I was intimidated. Finally, me and my best friend Mike got on the rink and began to skate. When the drills started, I was excited because I was feeling very comfortable. I did all of the workouts and ran the drills as best I could, and was excited to hear what the coach thought of me and my buddy. The coach thought we did very good and asked us to join the team. We showed the coach exactly wha... ...thought I would play such competitive hockey, because everything before it was local leagues. Joining this traveling team was amazing; because I matured over the four years emotionally and physically. My game had never been better than when I played for the Grizzlies, as I was â€Å"in my prime.† Achieving the goal of making the team was outstanding on its own, but winning a championship of that caliber was more than I could ask for. I was able to have the best time of my life while playing with this team, but unfortunately, the team folded. We were all growing up and had to take time off for school, so the team gradually separated. These were the greatest times in my life and the greatest achievement also. Never will there be something that made me feel so good, and although I don’t speak to any of them, they made up the greatest experiences of my life for four years.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Diet and Exercise Analysis Essay

Yes, my eating habits has changed between week 2 and week 4. However, I have done a little cheating. I have eaten a few foods that I was staying away from. Foods like hot dogs, french fries and pizza among other foods I did not need. These are foods that I have been staying away from for a few months now. I can honestly say, since I have been staying away from the fatty foods, I was feeling difference. Now, this pass week, I have been eating junk foods, and I can really feel the difference. I have less energy, and my body feels way it used to feel when I was always eating junk foods and fast foods. Yes†¦ good glad you noted this. It is amazing when we clean it up†¦how much better we feel and how bad we feel when we eat crappy! My phsyical physical activities has changed a little in the pass two weeks. I have been doing a little walking, I have also been getting out and getting into more activities than usual. Next week after mother’s day, my sisters and myself are planning on doing some more walking and a lttle more exercise. We are planning on doing it together. Maybe we can make it a little more fun and a little bit more exciting. This is something I am really looking forward to. The similarities and differences of my current diet to the recommendations. I do not think that there is too much of a difference. B because my diet and exercise have not been too good this pass past week. Bbecause the last two weeks have been busy and stressful. However, I can still honestly say, that my eating habits and exercise habits has changed over time. Which I do plan on starting it up again. I do plan on getting back on track wth my diet and exercise. Content and Development (6 points) Points Earned: 6/ 6 Length: 150 to 300 words Additional Comments: All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. Includes a screenshot of tracking results Describes student’s current eating habits briefly describes any changes compared to Weeks 2 and 4 Compares the similarities and differences of student’s current diet to the recommendations Briefly explains any change to student’s physical activity regimen from Week 4 Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. The summary develops a central theme or idea directed toward the appropriate audience. The summary links theory to relevant examples and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. Major points are stated clearly, organized logically, and supported by specific details, examples, or analysis. Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the summary, and reviews the major points. Readability and Style (2 points) Points Earned: 2/ 2 Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Additional Comments: The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Mechanics (2 points) Points Earned:0 / 2 Formatting is consistent with APA guidelines (including headings, title page, and reference page) and meets course-level requirements (outlined at the Center for Writing Excellence). Additional Comments: Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct. Total (10 points) Points Earned: 8/ 10 Mekie, I took two points for the errors you have in the paper – grammatical and APA. You are single spacing and adding a space which makes terms capitalize by themselves and is really incorrect in that you cannot do this. You had a few wrong terms in the writing which you didn’t see when you proofread the work; however, your evaluation/examination of your journey is good in terms of what you are explaining you have learned. Good work! There is a Chinese proverb I like to use when discussing diets and that is â€Å"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!† It seems appropriate to the process of modifying our diets for the better. This process takes time†¦but just keep going in the right direction.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

English Journey Essay

Journeys lead to greater understanding. They can be physical, inner or imaginative and can allow one to gain self-awareness, discover their flaws and weaknesses as well as gain spiritual enlightenment. That journeys can lead to greater understanding can be seen in TS Eliot’s poem The Love Song, Philip Otto Rouge artwork Dawn, Harwood’s poem In the Park and Victor Kellesher’s book cover Ivory trail. Journeys lead to greater understanding. This can be seen in The Love Song†¦ where Prufrock gains self-awareness of his isolated and insignificant status. He experienced both a physical and imaginative journey. Prufrock is a man who is a mid aged man, single and a pessimist. He isolates himself and is afraid of making decisions, as he is worried that he would be making a fool and mockery of himself. Being a pessimist he always thinks negatively about how he lives. The inner journey, in which Prufrock takes the reader reveals the different sides of him, such as his lack of confidence and also his dissatisfaction in the way he lives his life. The imagination of Prufrock leads him to make notes about mermaids, referring them to the Greek myth and how they would sing and lure sailors to their death. In this line Prufrock shows an inferiority complex as he states that the mermaids would not sing to him, as he is not important enough. An invitation from Prufock to the reader to a unnamed destination establishes and initiates a physical journey ; through the physical journey he leads the reader to various places in the city where there are cheap hotels surrounded by lower-class restaurants. Due to the surrounding it leads Prufrock to think of the â€Å"overwhelming question†. In the first stanza a physical journey is evident. The departure time would be during evenings â€Å"When evening is spread out against the like a patient etherised upon a table†. Prufrock compares the sky to a patient through simile. The feeling of helplessness is brought out with the word â€Å"etherised†. As the poem goes on personification becomes evident in â€Å"Streets that follow like a tedious argument†, describing the streets they are walking on as very dull and long similar to a long argument between people. The contrast of the streets to an argument also reflects on the use of simile. Journeys lead to greater understanding. Philip Otto Rouge, who takes the viewer through an imaginative journey, can perceive this in the painting â€Å"Dawn†. The journey is of a religious one, as the lighting in the painting hints a form of the cross, and its innocence and purity of the journey. Also, while light can reflect the knowledge and realisation one gains when undertaking an imaginative journey, the light becomes a symbol of a journey of enlightenment. With a frameless blue sky at the top of the painting it implies that this imaginative journey has no set boundary therefore it is limitless and contains endless possibilities. It is what the individual’s eye and mind perceives it. The angels that are represented as children painted in white and somewhat transparent symbolising the purity and innocence of childhood. With the transparency of the angels suggesting that there is no impurity seen, as they are holy. The musical instruments, also suggest the possibility that this imaginative journey is of a harmonious one. With the women positioned in the centre of the painting, it also shows her relationship with earth and heaven as she is in between them both. Being positioned close to the centre of the cross indicates that she is holy. This woman can be seen portrayed as Eve who was made by God to live on earth and accompany Adam. She is can be conveyed as a symbol of fertility as she was the first woman and also took part in the start of the cycle of human life on earth. This links earth and heaven together as a journey. The small star at the top of the painting, which can be faintly seen, represents the hope and desire of purity that was once been lost due to the sins of Eve. Therefore, Dawn exhibits the greater understanding through the journeys as it is of a religious one that contains enlightenment, but it may not all be harmonious and pure as can be seen when looked further in depth. Journeys can lead to greater understanding, as journey can lead to another journey. Through a physical journey, the protagonist from In the Park experiences an inner journey, which allows her to reflect on motherhood. An inner journey can lead to the reflection of one’s identity, reminisce, unfulfilled potential, self-destruction and low self-esteem. The opening use of a monosyllabic sentence of her mundane life triggers her inner journey to self-reflection. With harsh words such as â€Å"tug† it resembles her being pulled down and â€Å"aimless patterns† represents her life having no direction or goal in which she can follow. The use of past tense in the word â€Å"loved† shows she is not experiencing joyful emotions now, but instead â€Å"-â€Å" the anxiousness or shock on her reflection in her current situation. too late† the enjambment forces her to go through an inner journey unwillingly. After meeting the person she has once loved and a superficial conversation starts, she begins to realise the difference between them. Being self-conscious of herself the phrase â€Å"but for the grace of God† has been inverted from a normal situation to a negative one. And â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬  emphasises the shock going through her head, acting as a harsh stimulus of her realisation to life. With the description of â€Å"flickering light† in line 9, symbolising the fading of hope to retain her past life. The superficial conversation about the children, which have taken over her life is in a hopeful tone as if it was a self-reassurance about her life. Though the last imagery given of her journey is her nursing her baby, a parody of Mother Mary holding baby Jesus. She is stripped of her identity and emotions in her inner journey as â€Å"They have eaten me alive†. Through her journey the protagonist in In the Park comes to greater understanding of her situation and position in life after going through her physical and inner journey.

Book Critique Family to Family Essay

Author Information The authors of the book are Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee. Content Summary In the book, Family to Family, Families Making a Difference, the writers detail the major premise of the work within its first few pages: â€Å"Family to Family will help you discover God’s purpose for your family, develop a family mission statement, establish core values, make time for quality and quantity family time centered around God’s purposes, and equip you to lead your children to Christ and mentor them spiritually† (3). The book’s purpose is to maximize family time in the Lord, bringing family members closer together by helping them actualize their standing first in Christ, and then as they relate and interact with each other. The book promotes the idea of discovering â€Å"the critical link between being on mission as a family and passing the baton of your faith on to your children† (3). This line of thought is prevalent in the book and it seems to summarize the mission of the writers. The book views itself as being based and rooted in the solid foundation of the scriptures, and the authors express as much: â€Å"The bottom line–God’s plan for the family has been revealed in His Word†¦ The success of our families will be determined by our commitment to know and live the principles of God’s Word† (3). In the first chapter of the book, the writers make the contention that many families are not healthy and are not spending quality time with one another. The writers reference research gathered from The American Family Association and George Barna. Through the accumulated research, the writers state that, â€Å"only 34 percent of America’s families eat one meal together each day. (In addition) the average father spends only eight to 10 minutes a day with his children. This includes meal times.† (6) Another alarming statistic that they present to their audience is that â€Å"only 12 percent of America’s families pray together, (and) the average couple spends only four minutes of uninterrupted time together a day† (6). After the writers finish sharing some alarming statistics, they proceed to identify what a healthy Christian family should look like. They call for persons to examine their own families and to ask the following questions: Is it a cohesive unit or a disjointed collection of individuals? Is it on mission for God or unsure of its mission? Is it flowing or fumbling? Disciplined or destructive? Purposeful or pointless (7)? From the second chapter onward, the writers seek to allow the book to serve as a guide to nurture an unhealthy family as they move towards an improved level of spiritual health. The writers begin by proposing a family mission statement, stating that, â€Å"A family mission statement will serve as a centerline and guardrails for your family on the road through life† (25). The writers lead us on an extensive exposition on the importance of a familial mission statement and how to initiate one and incorporate one into our families. In chapter two, they present seven realities, which are geared towards accepting and incorporating the fact that God is and can be an ever-present reality within your family. The writers then discuss the importance of teaching and sharing the Gospel with children. They present the fact that 90 percent of all Christians have accepted Jesus before the age of 25, and therefore, place a premium on passing the baton onto the next generation as early as we can (51). The remainder of the book becomes a summary of other evangelical programs and ideas, shared in an effort to encourage the entire family to become an evangelizing force together. They include the models of concentric circles (75) and other familial evangelistic ideas, which are geared towards the family being unified and presenting that unification before others as a witness to their unity in Christ. In the final chapter of the book, the writers detail the importance of Biblical based evangelism for all of those persons involved in the family unit. The writers advocate what they call the FIRM approach to evangelism, which involves: F – ask about family, I – ask about their interests-listen, R – ask about religion-listen, and M – share the message (114-115). Lastly, the writers provide some practical methods for sharing the Gospel, which include some scripture memorization and tips on a salvation-testimony presentation. Evaluation The book seeks to establish a rationale for the disunity of the modern family and then to provide mechanisms to promote unity within the family through the Word, then to evangelize through the family as a united front in Christ. The book is short, efficient and to the point. It allows for easy reading and presents an effective rationale for families being unified first in Christ (with each other), and then presenting that unification as an active, vibrant testimony to others. The writers identify early on that this is a book for families in crisis, and the greatest contributing factor to that difficulty involves time and busyness within the members of the family itself. Due to the simplistic presentation of the material, the writers allow for a potential impact for a wide variety of persons and family units (beyond the traditional ones). The writer’s presentation of unhealthy families and the facts provided which detail children who have fallen away from the church cannot be understated in its level of importance, and serves to provide the reader with a foundation for the rest of the work. The flow of the work involves a clever method employed by the writers that mixes conversational and anecdotal stories with necessary information, which is important to hold the interest of the target audiences. The writers may have perhaps offered a more compelling argument, had they given their target audience a little more background information concerning the statistics they compiled, rather than just highlighting that information in endnotes. The chapter on mission statements feels rushed, and gives the impression that research for the work appears to be somewhat lacking. Case in point: there is no citation offered concerning the comparison of Jonathan Edwards and the Jukes families. This cannot help but offer the audience the false notion that the writers composed the necessary research to develop the notion they are putting forth (24-25). The writers provide another example without properly citing and giving credit to the source on page 26, in the example of the bucket of sand and the big rock and the little rock. This is an illustration which has been used by many in the past, and the writers are not the original source of it. They state, â€Å"Perhaps you have seen the illustration of the big rocks and little rocks† (26). Again, this may be nitpicking; however, I believe that they need to demonstrate responsibility, since the book is a Christian work. The book contains relevant study questions and provides a plethora of workbook-like material. That being said, the work is ideal for small group studies in the church and provides a foundational approach for working with families. Beyond being simple enough for the new convert to understand, the book is filled with practical and insightful applications for all believers to use in their endeavors to spread the Word within their families and to others. The writers have fulfilled their purpose in the book. It is obvious to see, with the statistics presented and the commentary offered, that families are in trouble and the church needs to respond to their needs. The church is comprised (mostly) of families. The enemy is aware that if he destroys the family unit (as presented in scripture), then he goes a long way to placing a major injury on the church. Pipes and Lee are to be commended for their efforts. They wrote Family to Family: Leaving a Lasting Legacy, as a reply to the susceptibility of even supposedly Christian families to the status quo. This status quo, as presented by the writers, involves an adherence to one of the varying levels of dysfunction that many families experience. The outline for families in the scriptures is one man, one woman, and if they are blessed, then children. This work provides an excellent evangelistic modality within which to engage all types of families (single parent, no children, etc). This is due to the fact that, regardless of the construction of the particular family, salvation is needed within and should be displayed cohesively to the world. That being said, one can see that, once a family mission statement is adopted, the potential for manipulation within a family is obvious. Potential problems could arise should one of the parents attempt to use the mission statement to manipulate their children to act and perform in the manner that they desire. Should conflict and divorce arise in the family (which is a startling reality for the church as well as the world), then these paradigms constructed originally to help could instead be used to further divide the entire family. With any risk of developing methodology and then instructing others to incorporate this methodology into their lives, without being able to control all extraneous variables (which only God can), there is the potential danger for some using the writer’s material for abusive purposes. Yet in taking this risk, the writers succeed. This is largely due to the fact that they speak the truth of the scriptures in love, and are to be applauded for developing and exhorting others to incorporate these methods into their lives to improve their families and evangelize the lost. There is something pure and right about someone trying to assist others whom are in desperate struggles in this life. The writers have presented a unique and challenging way for the church to implement and instruct families which are in desperate need of such tutoring. A most wonderful encapsulating quote is found on page 114, which states, â€Å"The bottom line is sharing the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. This is what this book is all about: raising your family to follow Christ. Following Christ means sharing the gospel with those who do not know Him. Jesus said, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men’ (Matt.4:19). If you are not fishing, you are not following. You and your family are on mission to be fishers of men† (114). This is a rousing call to families and the Body of believers. Those who endeavor to heed the call must realize the writer’s purposes in desiring to show them a way to raise their families to serve and follow Jesus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pipes, Jerry and Victor Lee. Family to Family, Families Making a Difference. Lawrenceville, GA: Jerry Pipes Productions, 1999.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Life Changing Moment Essay

Each and everyone of us has a story to tell and share to others, life stories that may serve as an inspiration to other people. Every individual may have a life experience or a moment in his or her life that somehow greatly affects his or her whole life. We often share our own triumphs and travails, our victories and defeats, our happiness and despair that bring alterations to the present life situations. My story began as an ordinary boy in the state of Ferndale, Michigan. I am the youngest of five siblings, a son of Sazelia and Marvin Johnson. My mother was a university woman who tries to acquire a bachelor’s degree in Business at the University of Michigan. My father was a Mechanical Engineer who is deeply fascinated with cars. My parents are intellectual and social creatures who passed down the essential values of hard work, education and religion to their children. They make sure that we are not deprived of the essential things that we need in our education. They also impart important attitudes and ethical standards needed in conforming well to our social environment. My siblings and I grew up in happy and complete family that upholds education as the main key to success. However, I was different from my siblings for they all went to college, specifically to University of Michigan, after graduating in high school. All of them went to the university, except for our oldest brother, the gifted one on all of us, who went straight to Naval Academy. The life changing moment in my life, happen when I decided that I want to join the military. I really want to be a part of the military reserves so I join the U. S. Navy, wherein I scored high on the entrance examination and I was offered to undergo the U. S. Navy Nuclear Engineering Program. The crucial eight months followed after I joined the program. I learned as much as I can about Chemistry, Math, Electronics, Physics, Reactor Science and other related field in nuclear engineering. I can compare this experience with the experience told in Stephen Crane’s, An Episode of War. Just like the lieutenant who is wounded in war, my own training in the program and in the camp gave me confidence and dignity. It revealed the essence of my existence and all of my mundane desires. It explicates the purpose of my being and my involvement and role in preserving the sovereignty of my own country (Crane 8). Luckily, I was not involved in any war conflicts or that will make my story more exciting. However, I was in preparation aspect of our defense system. However, I sympathize to those who are sent to foreign places to battle with brothers that were considered foes and rogues by the government. I know how hard it can be. Many of us hope that it finally ends. Just like on the poem of Czeslaw Milosz, hoping that the traumas, war and other forms of conflict and misunderstanding will finally meet its conclusion. Our history is characterized and embedded with tragic events and disputes that took many lives (Milosz 256). Read more:Â  Happiest Moments Essay Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, vividly depicted the events in a war. How fertile lands became battlegrounds of two powerful forces. How innocent lives are drastically involved in the conflict. How children were separated to their parents and how the once happy and fruitful nation transformed into a futile land. After completing the learning prescribed by the program, I was assigned to a nuclear submarine, USS Kentucky SSBN 737. The submarine is an enormous structure that is similar to an underwater city. My training acquired from the program seems like an incomplete preparation to the task that I was assigned to. I was a nuclear plant operator that had a tremendous amount of responsibility. I have to make sure that the nuclear reactor was always safe and in good condition and running smoothly. My task is very crucial for it affects the safety of my comrades. Through the years that I have worked for the U. S. Navy, I got US$50,000 or so worth of proper science training and education in nuclear science and technology. It is more than anyone can ask for. It is such a blessing to anyone to be able to study free. Also, I have acquired credentials to work in most nuclear power plants in the nation. It is one of the prestigious works in the country to be able to work in a high-end facility like a nuclear power plant, wherein knowledgeable individuals are only capable of handling the specific task of maintaining the safety of the nuclear reactor. The education, training and working experience is a something big for me, an ordinary boy who only dream of being a G. I. Joe, inspired by my toy soldiers and toy guns. My experiences during my service to the military were really fruitful and fulfilling. I enjoyed most of my time under the submarine doing my task. It greatly alters and influences my present personality. I have traveled in many places and met many people all over the United States that contribute on my life’s journey. I significantly learned how to start and finish something. My service in the Navy ends, but I am more than ready to start a new journey in this life of mine. I try to acquire a bachelor’s degree in Architecture, one of the things that I wanted to accomplish. From Southwestern College, I transferred to USC this fall to complete my degree. The chapter of my life in the Navy, I will be able to look back and be proud to say that I was part of something special and noble.

Friday, September 13, 2019

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper Essay

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper - Essay Example Piper says that the gas chamber in question was in fact modified, as it was a gas chamber but later turned into an air-raid shelter. This is the cause for the building of new walls, a new door and the removal of the holes in the ceiling. The question remains as to why these changes in the gas chamber are hidden from the public when in the past, this story was punishable and punished by the law. In the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau, there are little traces of Zyklon-B residues, which were found by two separate tests. Both found that only one gas chamber had traces of Zyklon-B gas, the delousing chamber that was off the charts, while the remainder of the chambers in question, which were the homicidal ones, did not. When Cole asked Dr. Piper about this, Dr. Piper claimed that the delousing chamber was used â€Å"day and night† whereas the homicidal chambers were used â€Å"20, 30 minutes a day.† claims were made that Zyklon-B was primarily used for disinfection, which is odd considering the desire of the Nazis that these encamped people be destroyed, their health status unimportant. Another story that is in question is the human soap question submitted by a sample of human soap by the Soviets during the Nuremberg trials. Dr. Piper still believes this story, although there is no proof to support it. David Cole has successfully proved that genuine artifacts have been reconstructed to appear real to unsuspecting visitors. This Soviet deception was propagandized because of the lack of trust and allied support of the Soviet Union with the other Allied Forces of the time. This propaganda on all sides was only able to become ‘truth’ because of the victory of the Allies over Nazi Germany.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

MLA literary research paper on Louise Glucks Mock Orange and A Summer

MLA literary on Louise Glucks Mock Orange and A Summer Garden - Research Paper Example The lyrical beauty of her poetry is really praiseworthy that the readers can sense even the inner pulse of the poet. The significant features of her poetry include â€Å"†¦its technical precision, sensitivity and insight into loneliness, family relationships, divorce, and death† (Poetry Foundation). While reading through her poetry, one would certainly feel them as quite true and they really enhance the quality of the work. When analyzing her poems â€Å"Mock Orange† and â€Å"A Summer Garden,† one can state that both the poems have structural similarities as well as differences and both the poems make use of various literary devices and conceits to create an effect in the poem. â€Å"Mock Orange† is small poem that discusses a grave theme. Daniel Morris, in his book, â€Å"The Poetry of Louise Glu ̈ck: A Thematic Introduction† asserts, â€Å"Mock Orange† [is] a controversial and much anthologized poem expressing the female speaker’s revulsion because sex with a man seemed a fiction of togetherness as well as a literal form of silencing the female with the covering male lips† (Morris, 29). After a close reading of the poem, many critics agree to the view point that Gluck composed the poem in a female perspective, accusing men for their male-chauvinistic nature. â€Å"A Summer Garden† is somewhat a large poem when comparing with â€Å"Mock Orange.† In the poem, the poet brings the readers to a memory lane where she identifies an old photograph of her dead mother. When the poet wipes off the dust from the old worn out photograph, she also wipes off the present to the past. The poet visualizes the childhood of her mother and then the poem shifts to the mother’s point of view. Analyzing the structure of â€Å"Mock Orange† one can see that the poet has resorted to a particular pattern in the arrangement of stanzas. The poem opens with a three-line stanza immediately followed with a five-line stanza. The third stanza is

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Immigration Reform Bill of 2013 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Immigration Reform Bill of 2013 - Coursework Example The entire process of deportation is another factor that sends back another major chunk of young people who have grown up and studied in American colleges, thereby sending away a huge chunk of the talent within these colleges. While authorities stay strict, the government is bearing the brunt of the corporate and banking sectors who are forced to undertake industrialization due to the outflow of such talent from their companies. The Immigration Reform Bill sought to address issues from both the government and people’s point of views. And whether it succeeds or not depends upon the election of the minister who is most vehement and active in getting the House to agree to this Bill. The play designed in this article uses five theatrical techniques to highlight the range of events that occur in this politician’s life, till the final verdict of the election, in which he gets to know if he is elected or not. The first act (Act I) has three scenes. The first scene is a congregational meeting held at a Church service, to commemorate the death of the younger brother of this politician. Key characters in the play, like the rival politicians and business magnets who influence them, are introduced in this meeting. The political leader although in silence is aware of the brewing political tension in the minds of these guests attending the congregation. The scene uses thought tracking (Mackey & Cooper, 2000, 50) done by another key character of the play Adam Xavier, who is himself a 40-year-old high profile journalist familiar with the power players of this game. His observations and dialogues familiarize the audience with the real tension that is present in the thoughts of the characters of the play.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Teamwork. Organization Structure and Design, and Organisation Culture Essay

Teamwork. Organization Structure and Design, and Organisation Culture - Essay Example 3). Employees have a lot of impact on the tendency of an organization to be innovative and competitive (Bakker and Schaufeli, 2009, p. 147) which imparts need for the leaders to keep the employees motivated. Different organizations have different strategies of developing teamwork and also have different organization structures and designs, and organizational cultures. Factors that control these elements include but are not limited to the nature and scope of business, and the socioeconomic and political conditions prevalent in the areas where the business is established. There is no hard and fast rule which can be applied to all organizations. While there are numerous theories of teamwork, organization structure and design, and organizational culture, yet they have to be customized to suit the individualistic needs of different organizations. This paper draws a comparison and contrast between the teamwork, organization structure and design, and organizational culture of two organizati ons; Biogenia and Sleepeasy. Comparison of approaches to teamwork and teamworking Teamwork is the work accomplished by interdependent employees in a group to achieve a goal of mutual concern (Parker and Wall, 1998). Teamwork encourages employees to collaborate with one another (Salas and Gelfand, 2012) and allows employees to be more included in the decision-making process (Mat and Razak, n.d., p. 218). Teamwork is essential to the success of both non-profit and profit-oriented organizations (Rapur and Rapur, n.d.). â€Å"As â€Å"no man is an island,† the positive effects of productive teamwork can energize an entire organization, just as the negative effects of a lack of teamwork can cripple an organization† (Slechta, n.d.). Biogenia places a lot of emphasis on the development of teamwork among the employees. This is achieved by interchanging their roles which is an essential component of teamwork (Griffin, Patterson, and West, 2001, p. 537; Tannenbaum et al, 1996). This has a two-way effect on the employees that increases their tendency to be better team members. Firstly, every employee gets an opportunity to work in a different position for some time during which, the employee gains exposure to the job responsibilities associated with that position so that whenever required, other employees can be invited to do certain tasks that are different from the tasks they normally do in their respective positions. This provides Biogenia to incorporate multi-tasking in its employees which in the long run is in the best interest of Biogenia as well as its employees as they would be equipped with diverse experiences. â€Å"Moving to multi-skilled teams will alter the range and style of working† (Acas, n.d.). Secondly, when an employee gets to work in some other position for some time, it enables that employee to gain an insight into the potential issues and challenges encountered by the employee who regularly serves in that position. This not only increases the employees’ knowledge of the challenges faced by all departments of the organization, but also increases their tendency to cooperate with employees from other departments in the hour of need as they know that the cause is genuine as they personally had had an opportunity to experience the issues while they served in other departments for some time. â€Å"To perform the task better, individuals depend on knowledge from other units or departments†

Monday, September 9, 2019

Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Corporate Governance - Essay Example Representative government was an essential aspect of the corporation more than partnerships. Since the corporate government’s inception, the responsibility and functions of the board and organization around corporate elections have been the core theme. There is always a problem of how to control limits on executive will and small stakeholder protection. The corporate suffrage gave every member a vote (Becht, Bolton & Roell 2005, p. 2). This was to remove privileges enjoyed by other members over others. The debate on management’s power to solely run a corporation is extremely old. Corporate governance has become a largely outstanding issue in the last two decades. This is because of several issues. First, there has been growth in the global privatization wave for the last two decades. Second, there have been reforms in pension fund and a growth in private savings. Third, it was influenced by the 1980s takeover wave. Fourth, there has been an integration and deregulation of capital markets. Fifth, there has been a concentration on corporate governance due to the East Asia crisis of 1998. Sixth, it has been influenced by a sequence of USA corporate breakdowns and scandals that have grown (Becht, Bolton & Roell 2005, p. 7). The pragmatic information on corporate governance is extremely large. Conversely, there are several techniques that can be employed to resolve issues within conflicting shareholders. They include: shareholders suits and fiduciary roles; hostile takeovers; incentive schemes; large investors; and board of directors. In addition, corporate boards have three core duties: strategic oversight, corporate accountability, and senior level staffing and evaluation. Corporate boards have a duty to assess and endorse core capital investments, strategic plans, and risk management practices and policies. They also supervise implementations that may comprise effectiveness,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

UnSpun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

UnSpun - Essay Example Some consider it as a city with all the various societies ranging from business to private users. It makes users feel close to each other while in reality they are distance apart and this distance causes disorientation and confusion for users. The Great Crow Fallacy discusses on how the thoughts of a person and his or her unprofessional observations were highly manipulated into becoming facts which had been researched. According to this chapter, saying about something does not make it to be so one does not have to believe in everything they hear. This chapter also states that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and so one should ask about the origin of the claim. A person should also ask questions whenever possible on any evidence. The chapter emphasizes on believing on data more than anything else. The first presidential debate 2012 in USA between Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama can be used to bring about the great crow fallacy. In the debate, Mitt Romney is seen to be correcting misleading statements uttered by Obama about Romney’s plan for health care and entitlement reform. The people of the United States voted for Obama from his sayings that he was out for change. The people therefore believed in him as a pro human rights activist who will stand up and bring every injustice to justice and transparency. However, these expectations were barely met after 100 days upon his election as he is on record in terms of the US encounter to the terrorism polices to have been reviewed by the Amnesty International report. This brings about the great crow fallacy as Obamas words prior to the election does not hold on through out. Here Romney is seen to accuse Joe Biden of making misleading statements on the consulate attack in Libya. This brings about the concept of the great crow fallacy as saying about the misleading statements does not make it be true as this may have been mare

Saturday, September 7, 2019

GLOBAL BUSINESS CONTEXT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GLOBAL BUSINESS CONTEXT - Essay Example Airline Industry remains a most important figure at global level as it is providing different services at the same time. We found its first origination in 1909, and since then the structure of this industry changes over time showing a regular boosting and improvement. The structure of airline sector compromises of passenger services and freight services. On the other hand, its services are categorized as intra-continental, inter-continental, domestic services, operated or scheduled services and charter services1. The airline industry includes different sectors that together give rise to a complete Airline Sector. These sectors are Airbus, Jumbo Jets, Boeings and other small jets. The airlines deal with different services and among them passenger services and freight are the most common and most important services. Though, it was 1909 when the first airline craft was introduced by the Germany but this wasn't the most important figure. The actual industry starts when the airbus discovery took place. But before that, in 1914 the very first commercial flight in the US starts but this remain the only service till 1925 when the ford introduces their commercial flight holding 12-passengers capacity. At the same time the US decided to operate at global level and by 1930, the introduction of Boeing was made2. But till this time, the airline sector did not show any good performance and enhancement. Actual chronicle belongs to the year 1970 when European consortium (Germany, France, Great Britain and Spain become the member later after few years) started an airbus Industry. The objectives of the goals behind this industry were to create commercial aircraft with Germany, Great Britain and Spain. Where as, within the consortium France play the role of assembling. The logic behind this was to give a growth to international travelling. As, the need and demand for the international travelling increases in that era, the airbus industry play an important role in Airline sector3. The industry employee more than 57,000 people and are working in sixteen regions. The Airbus Industry has its subsidiaries in United States, China and Japan due to the reason that these countries are ranked top in the most advance technological growth. The Airbus was named by the airline industry due to its specific size and range. Airbus includes different types of Jets and planes namely as Aerospatiale, Deutsche airbus, Hawker Siddeley and Fokker. Within the airbus industry, Aerospatiale and Deutsche took 36.5% of share according to production; Hawker took 20% and Fokker as 7%. During the year 1971 in October the Spanish company CASA acquired 4.2% of the share of Airbus Industry. Than later in the years different changes took place including the British acquisition of British Aerospace and acquired 20% of the s hare. This impacted on the share of shareholders which reduces to 37.9%. Initially the growth of consortium was poor by 1979 much of the improvements take place and among them was the services of 81 aircrafts or airbuses. It was 1981, when the launch of A320

Friday, September 6, 2019

Primary color Essay Example for Free

Primary color Essay Light reveals a world of colors by painting everything it touches. Our plain and soulless furniture gains meaning. Our brown bookshelf, gray study table, green mug carpets, rugs, curtains the yellow wheat fields in the harvest picture, the blue china vase, our favorite brown sweater the striking green of a tree surrounded by concrete buildings, the blue sky, and the carousel of life that becomes worth living by being embellished with colors. Lets travel through the wonderful world of colors. Each color conceals a story. Some virtuous and sensitive eyes see the truth through them, while others see rage, anger, and all the evils dictated by the alter ego. Colors carry such feelings as anger and hope, and symbolize such concepts as sinfulness and innocence. They are abused or sacrificed, and widely preferred or despised. Literally, color is a phenomenon of light or visual perception that enables people to differentiate otherwise identical objects. Being one of matters distinguishing characteristics, in a sense its meanings are the meanings of life. As truth is interwoven with life, truth might be viewed through colors. Their Influence on People The most important aspect of color in daily life is probably the aesthetic and psychological responses that they evoke†our psychological perception†and the resulting influences on art, fashion, commerce, and even physical and emotional sensations. For example, reds, oranges, yellows, and browns are warm, whereas blues, greens, and grays are cold. Reds, oranges, and yellows are said to induce excitement, cheerfulness, stimulation, and aggression; blues and greens to induce security, calm, and peace; and browns, grays, and blacks to bring sadness, depression, and melancholy. However, we can only generalize about such subjective perceptions. Age, mood, mental health, and other factors affect color perception. People sharing distinct personal traits often share color perceptions and preferences. For example, schizophrenics are said to have abnormal color perception, and very young children learning to distinguish colors usually prefer red or orange. Many psychologists believe that analyzing ones use of and response to color reveals relevant physiological and psychological information. Some even suggest that specific colors have a therapeutic effect on physical and mental disabilities. In China, India, and Japan, colors are used in alternative medicine. Orange is considered good for depression, yellow for diabetes, green for ulcers and spiritual fatigue, and blue-violet for epilepsy. What is important here is the bodys receptor of color, such as eyes or skin. Each colors wavelength carries and transmits energy to the bodily part having that color. This energy removes physical and emotional disorders, and colorful rays directly influence the neural system. Thus, different illnesses are treated with different rays of colors having different tones and impacts. Although these medical benefits are still in question, color does cause definite physical and emotional reactions. Rooms and objects that are white or have light shades of cool colors may seem larger than those with intense dark or warm colors. As designers and decorators know, black or very dark colors have a slimming or shrinking effect. A cool room decorated in pale blue requires a higher thermostat setting than a warm room painted pale orange to achieve the same sensation of warmth. People viewing unusual colors produced by special illumination may experience headaches and nervous disorders. Tasty wholesome food served under such conditions appears repulsive and may induce illness. Other colors induce pleasure. When an affectively positive or pleasurably perceived color is viewed after a less pleasant color, it produces more pleasure than when viewed by itself. This effect is known as affective contrast enhancement. What Colors Have Experienced Colors are not universal. Some languages do not have separate words for green and blue or yellow and orange, whereas Eskimos use 17 different words for white to describe different snow conditions. Comparing color terminology reveals certain consistent patterns. All languages have designations for black and white. If a third hue is distinguished, it is red; next comes yellow or green, and then other colors. Consider soccer fanatics who so love their teams colors that they tear and burn the other teams flag. They dye their hair and faces yellow-red, blue-white, or red-white to match their teams colors, but cannot stand the opponents colors. They taunt the opposing team with clothes in their own teams colors, even to the extent of injury or death. Most important, they gain identity, send a message, and enjoy the confidence that comes with belonging to a peer group. Colors are gifts, not a cause of separatism. As sociologist Orhan Kologlu points out, people of different religions and nations chose different colors. In the Balkans, blue and white are considered to be Greeces colors (its flag is blue and white). During conflicts, people do not use the colors of other nations flags. But this is emotional and irrational, for no nation owns a color. During a time of Turkishâ€Å"Greek tension, red-white clothes were despised in Greece, and blue-white clothes in Turkey. Bulent Ecevit (current prime minister of Turkey) broke a taboo with his poem Blue Magic, which contains the lines: Like a blue magic, lies a warm sea between us / We are two nations, as beautiful as the other, at its shores. He also chose blue and white as his political partys colors. Ironically, this party whose emblem is in Greek (! ) colors now is now in power Turkey. A nations color choices change over time. Ancient Turks considered blue as sacred, for it was the color of the sky. Some Turkic nations still use it as their national color. In medieval Europe, blue stood for nobility and aristocracy, and the latter were believed to have blue blood. But in America, blue is associated with low spirits, melancholy, and depression (a blue funk). For women it means learned and intellectual, while in morality it means puritanical. It also means profane or indecent (blue movies), off-color or risquA © (blue jokes), and a kind of music (the Blues) dominated by sad and melancholic themes. Red and black are most commonly associated with sociopolitical conflict. For years red symbolized violence, pillage, murder, oppression, anti-democracy, and terrorism. In emotional terms, it means a face flushed with anger or embarrassment (red in the face), or bloody (red eyes). In politics, it means inciting or endorsing radical sociopolitical change, especially by force, as in red uprising or anything associated with communism (the former USSRs Red Square). There are even two Red armies: the Soviet army established after the 1917 Revolution, and the Japanese Red Army formed in 1969. The first was renowned for its strict penal codes and discipline, such as punishing battalions by sending them on suicide missions. New regulations in 1960 considerably lightened the Soviet Armys redness. The second army, a small-structured Japanese terrorist organization, remained active until 1990. Italys Red Brigades, an extreme left-wing terrorist organization, chose red and violence as it sought to prepare 1970s Italy for a Marxist uprising. Chinese revolutionaries seeking to end Chinas traditional culture chose red and violence, as did Cambodias radical Khmer Rouge (Red Khmers). This latter group massacred an entire generation, an estimated 1.5 million people out of an estimated population of 5. 7 million, during their 3. 5-year reign. It is used for heavy or serious (black intrigue); dirty and soiled (black hands); thoroughly sinister, evil, or wicked (black deed); negative (a black mark in ones record); the supernatural or Satan (black magic); very sad, gloomy, or calamitous (black despair); a disaster (black Saturday); hostility, angry discontent, sullenness (black resentment); grim, distorted, grotesque satire (black humor); or covert intelligence operations (black government missions). Although we associate black with negative meanings, we cannot deny that it also symbolizes seriousness, respectability, and nobility. There are occasions when white, the symbol of purity and innocence, is inappropriate says social psychiatrist Ibrahim Ballioglu. Colors should be used with the proper tones and combinations. He claims that it is logical to associate white with positive and black with negative concepts. Black and white are like night and day. The dark of night scares people, whereas the light of day relieves them. The colors hidden at night come forward in daytime. People are inclined to like light and bright colors. We apply white light in our depression patients therapy. Ones interest in dark colors gives clues about ones mood. A patients wearing white signals that he or she is getting well. In history, such groups as the Black Hand,1 Black Faces, and Black Shirts favored violence and vandalism. Mussolinis fascist Black Shirts group is the most interesting. After his overthrow 1943 and the Black Shirts dismissal, people avoided wearing black shirts. White means free of color; light or pallid (white hair, lips white with fear); without spot, blemish, or moral impurity; innocent or chaste (white wedding); harmless (white lie, white magic); and favorable or fortunate (white days of life). It also means politically conservative or reactionary people who undertake counter-revolutionary measures (white terror). In music, it is associated with a musical tone quality characterized by a controlled pure sound and a lack of warmth, color, and resonance. Green means mild and clement (green winter); pleasantly alluring; youthful and vigorous; not ripened or matured (green apples, tender green grasses); fresh and new; marked by a pale, sickly, or nauseated appearance; envious (green with envy); somehow deficient or unsophisticated; and an environmentalist political movement (Green Peace) or individual working to preserve environmental quality. Yellow is associated with sensationalized scandal items or distorted ordinary news (yellow journalism), and cowardice (a yellow streak up ones back). Pink signifies moderately radical and usually socialistic political or economic views, as well as emotional excitement (tickled pink). Do Nations or Religions Have Their Own Color? Color harmony, preferences, symbolism, and other psychological aspects are culturally conditioned and vary with time and place. For instance, American and Japanese concepts of warm and cold colors are essentially the same. However, Japanese consider blues and greens good and the red-purple range bad, while Americans consider the red-yellow-green range good and oranges and red-purples bad. In the West, black signifies mourning; other cultures use white, purple, or gold.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Project Management Essay Example for Free

Project Management Essay The objective of this project is to open a second office for Better Health Care Centers within the next 18 months and within the $1.5 million budget on time and on budget. The projects environment as it relates to cultural /social is one of healing, health and wellbeing of the population or community. The expansion of the facility will impose little impact on the environment as we will be using an existing building and all green practices and policies will be instituted when possible. For the general management of this project I will be using construction managers, contract managers and lawyers, and there will be another manger in charge of the hiring of staff and all of those people will be reporting to me, the general project manager. Since this is such a long and expensive project there will need to be tight controls on time and resources to ensure that there is little to no waste. The project will be segmented into phases that will be completed or almost complete when the next phase of the project begins. This will enable better control of the project as opposed to doing things out of a logical order. You would not furnish the building before you install the carpet. The amount of phases and the degree of control of each phase will depend on the size complexity and impact of the project. The phases for now, will be simplified and will go something like this; the initiating phase where all of the proposals and budgets for each phase will be defined will be set. The next phase will include the planning process. Where all of the basic needs of the project will be defined and the management team is built and phase assignments are delegated. Then the work starts with the execution of the project and the individual projects begin in earnest. This phase has some overlapping projects and simultaneous projects there will be very few times when there is only one project working at the time. During this phase the acquisition of building space, contracts with insurance companies and outside laboratories and radiology facilities and hospitals will be negotiated. The hiring of contractors and th e finalizing of floor plans and choosing equipment and other materials and supplies are decided upon. This is the longest phase and tight controls on budget and time are most important. There will be a need for four managers to run different areas of the project they will be in control of their budget and reporting to the general project manager and to the shareholders. Each manager will have a staff of people to do some of the work according to their expertise. There will be a legal team, a construction team, a design team and a team to organize meetings, a team for the overall budget an accounting team. In the final or closing phase the work picks up pace and crunch time becomes a reality. In this phase many projects will be complete while others are winding down and a few will just be starting. In this phase the hiring of the office staff, physicians and office mangers will be finalized and contracted. In this phase the finishing touches will be put in place and the equipment will be delivered and set up. The computer systems will be installed and training of the new employees will commence. For this project the manager will need excellent time management skills and the ability to communicate effectively with second level managers and project leaders and staff so that the efficiency of the project has as few set back and errors as possible. The project manager will also need leadership skills. With out a good leader nothing gets done efficiently or effectively. Project managers are assigned to achieve the project objectives. This role requires flexibility, strong leadership. Good judgment, negotiating skills and a solid knowledge of project management practices. The project manager must have attention to detail while managing from an overall management prospective. The project manager is responsible for the success of the project and is in charge of all aspects of the project. The project manager responsibilities include: Developing the management plan and its related components. Keeping the project on time and on budget. Monitoring, identifying and responding to risk. The manager is also responsible for timely and accurate reporting of project metrics. The project team is made up of the manager, and other team members that carry out the work but not necessarily involved in management. Each team has its own knowledge of their specific subject matter. It is necessary for all teams to meet regularly to go over any problems and to update the project manager on each teams progress. References: PMBOK guide forth edition project management institute. Fourth edition 2008 CTU online live chats Granville Jones Instructor