Friday, May 31, 2019

Barn Burning - Sartys Struggle Essay -- essays papers

Barn Burning Sartys StruggleBarn Burning Sartys StruggleThe theme of William Faulkners Barn Burning is Colonel Sartoris Snopes desire to shift key away from the oppressive conditions of his family life. He is pulled between his family and his morality. In this essay, I allow discuss Sartys struggle between the two sides of his conflict and the point at which it becomes resolved.First, we will look at Sartys pull towards his family. At the first trial, we find Sarty looking at his fathers opponent sitting behind the table. Sarty identifies him as his fathers enemy, but he quickly changes his thought to our enemy. Then after the trial, Sarty fights a boy twice his size because the boy yells out, Barn Burner. These two instances are attempts by Sarty to contain himself into his family. He feels he might be able to do this by taking up his fathers offense. Later in the story, after Abner has ruined the rug, Sarty says to his father, You done the outdo you could If he wanted hit d one different why didnt he wait and tell you how He wont stern no twenty bushels He wont git none Well gether hit and hide hit This is another attempt by Sarty to find his place. Although he knows his father is guilty of ruining the rug, he is willing to ease his father hide the crop to avoid paying damages. His father, Abner, even tries to influence Sartys decision. After camping the first night, Abner takes Sarty aside and tells him, You got to learn. You got to learn to stick to your own assembly line or you aint going to have any blood to stick to you. These attempts to defend his family and his father in particular are his way of exploring this realm of his conflict. He is onerous to find out if there is a place for him. H... ... is at this point that Abner realizes that he has made his decision. Abner tries to contain him by having his mother hold him but Sarty gets kick and runs to warn the de Spains. It is at this point that we know the end to the conflict has arri ved. Instead of running back to the house to help with the fire, Sarty runs into the wood and continues to run. He is leaving and he is not looking back. He decides to stand on the side of morality and turns his back on his family.Sartoris Snope resolved his dilemma by exploring both sides of the coin. He thence found something that represents his ideal situation, the de Spain plantation. Then he made his decision and he did not look back. The conflict that Faulkner brings to life in the Barn Burning is not uncommon. We each face a similar struggle at some point to find our morality. It is simply part of the human condition.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Career in Sports Management Essay -- Career Research

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person will make in their life. Most people try to disassemble the career with the best financial gain and something they would like to do for the rest of their life. Foremost it is wise to see what the job entails. Sport Management is perfect for those who do it helping and working with people, especially when dealing with editions. The next part of the decision-making process is looking through the various schooling and training required. Lastly, take into consideration the advantages and disadvantages. ordinarily with great salaries comes a big responsibility with high stress. The sports industry in the U.S. is a $200-billion-dollar-plus powerhouse, with superstar athletes, lucrative endorsement deals, and all the free press an self-importance can handle (Lawyue 1). The profession of a sport management professional has a very specific work description, requires specific schooling and training, an d comes with a conformation of benefits and disadvantages.As time progresses, watching and supporting sports is becoming more and more popular as a main source of entertainment. Many people assume found ways to connect their jobs with their passion of sports. The multibillion-dollar sports industry offers employment opportunities for management, marketing, and supervisory professionals at all levels of competition (Sports Management 1). Depending on a persons interests, there are jobs in professional, amateur, and even school sports. Once a person decides on a sport management career, it needs to be unyielding which area he or she more specifically wants to go into based on his or her interests and abilities. There is a wide range of groups who employ sport management pr... ...rks CitedLawyue, Mathew. How to Pick a Sport Management Program. Undergraduate News. Bloomberg Businessweek. 18 Aug. 2012. Web. 18 Sep. 2014.Major Sports Management. The Prince ton Review, n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2014. Manager. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia managerPaulson, Edward. The Complete Idiots Guide to starting Your Own Business. IndianapolisAlpha Books, 2000. PrintProfessional Sport. MGMT Professions., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2014Sport Management. Kent Library Research Guide, n.d. Web. 18 Sep. 2014.Sports Management. n.p., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2014What is Sport Management. Winthrope, n.d. Web. 15 Sep. 2014.

Kidney Failure and Ultramarathoning :: Personal Narrative Medical Papers

Kidney Failure and Ultramarathoning Four days after winning the Seagate century km Ultramarathon in Toledo, Ohio, I was hospitalized for 11 days with Acute Kidney Failure, a direct consequence of the race, possibly exacerbated by the 2400 mg of ibuprofen that I took during the race. In this article, I will describe my race and my hospitalization, discuss similar experiences of two runners after the 1994 Western States (WS) carbon Mile Endurance Run, and tell what I entertain learned that might be of general interest. I am 49 years old and cave in been running ultras regularly since 1979. My most memorable performances have included - winning the first ultra I ran, a 610 50 miler in my hometown of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, - winning a Sri Chinmoy 12-hour race near San Francisco in 1989, covering almost 78 miles, - second in 45-49 age group in national championship 100 km in 851 in New York City in 1993, and - representing the US in the 1994 Italian Del Passatore 100 km, where I fini shed 54th of 3500 participants in 939. The Seagate Ultras on November 26, 1994, included races of 60 km, 50 miles, and 100 km, each run on the same 1.1 mile loop. There were approximately 10, 10, and 6 runners, respectively, in these races, which were judged separately. My 929 time for 100 km was not very fast, but it won that race easily, and I also went through 60 km and 50 miles faster than anyone in those races. So I am not a novice. The support for the race was ideal by my standards, with temperatures in the 30s, light wind, and no precipitation. I was drinking water and/or Gatorade almost every lap, so I dont think dehydration was a cause of my problem. One unusual feature of the race is that I stopped to spend a penny at least 25 times, whereas usually I stop about 6 times in a race of that duration. I attributed that to the cool weather keeping me from sweating. One factor which is probably significant is that three weeks before the race, during an easy run the day after a n excellent 41-mile training run, I wound a calf muscle. I used electronic stimulation to promote healing, and ran very little during the three weeks preceding the race. This area bothered me frequently during the race, depression as if it wanted to cramp.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essay

BeowulfThe verse form Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney, is largely based around the monstrousness of Grendel and his mother. It was a difficult task for Heaney to translate the poem into Modern English while maintaining the beauty of the language and capturing the horror of the monsters. He utilises devices such as structure, literary devices and characterisation to emphasise the fear apparent in the text. Though Heaneys writing is effective, it is impossible to use the incidents in the poem that relate to events which took place centuries ago to instil fear into the story. Though many of the issues in Beowulf are no longer relevant, Heaney is still able to capture the monstrousness of Grendel and his mother. The poem Beowulf was composed some time around the mid Seventh Century in Anglo-Saxon English. It is over three thousand lines long and stands as one of the foundation works of poetry in English. It is an imaginative work where the structuring is as cardinal as the languag e. Seamus Heaneys translation of Beowulf was labour intensive, slow work. He tried to pick a way through the syntax, get the run of the meaning establishes and accordingly hope that the lines could be turned into metrical shape and raised to the power of verse. Seamus Heaney began his translation of Beowulf in the mid 1980s and it took him until 1999 to finish capturing the beauty of the poem in Modern English. The structure of Beowulf is first involved in capturing the monstrousness of Grendel by stating his ancestry and background Grendel was the name of this grim demon haunting the marches, marauding round the heath and the desolate fens he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters, Cains clan, whom the creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts. (Lines 102-107) After Grendels first attack the poet allows a large amount of time to pass to give the indorser a sense of despair and to emphasise the impact that Grendel had on Hrothgars people For cardinal win ters, seasons of woe, the lord of the shieldings suffered under his load of sorrow and so, before long, the news was known over the whole world. (Lines 147- 150) The poet builds up the monstrousness of Grendels attacks by recounting them so that the reader absorbs the force of the battle. He also repeats the pattern of Beowulfs victory ie.

Analysis of Alexander Popes An Essay on Man -- Pope An Essay on Man

Analysis of Alexander Popes An Essay on Man There are ternion main issues that Pope talks about in his long poem An Essay on Man. First, the poet evokes a timeless vision of kindness in which the innovation is affiliated to a great chain that extends from God to the tiniest comprise of life. Secondly, Pope discusses Gods plan in which evil must exist for the sake of the greater good, a paradox not fully understandable by human reason. Thirdly, the poem accuses human beings of being proud and impious. Pope feels that man claims more insight into the nature of existence thus he possesses. In An Essay on Man Pope is trying to make clear the relationship of humanity to the universe, himself, society and in addition to happiness. He states For me health gushes from a thousand springs seas roll to waft me suns to light- me rise My footstool earth my canopy the skies (330). Pope implies that the universe is created for mans pleasures and needs and so accordingly we are each(pren ominal) connected to the chain of universal order. Through this connection man realizes that all are part of one stupendous whole. He then suggests that this order extends further then we know any interference with it could destroy the whole. Pope asks in the poem, Is the greater chain, that draws all to agree, upheld by God or thee? (327). present he explains that by conforming to the order of the universe we can all agree on and connect to one goal. Through this connection, we would then reach the purest form of humanity. The belief in this poem is that although things do not turn out well for some individuals, everything falls into place in the great chain of the universe. In the long run everything works out for the best, Pope argues. Because humanity is ignor... ...m with these words Whatever is, is right (333). This implies that things are done or happen for a reason. When humanity tries to change things for individual gain rather than the improvement of the whole it weaken s the chain, which in turn affects the rest of the universe. I believe we are all individuals who are connected to a higher power, whatever that power may be. The beauty of humanity is exactly that individuality. I agree with Pope in the sense that we are all connected somehow, but I do not agree with total submission in order to achieve total unity. Rather than total submission, I believe our mission is to connect with the universe by using the special gifts given to us by the power that unites us. Works Cited Pope, Alexander. Essay on Man. Norton Anthology of mankind Masterpieces 6th ed. Ed. Maynard Mack New York Norton, 1992. 326-333

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Danger In The Air At North Intermmediate School In Wilmington? :: essays research papers

Danger in the Air At normality Intermmediate School in Wilmington?Is there danger in the air at the North Intermediate School inWilmington? Apparently carbon dioxide trains have been found to be aboveacceptable levels in some class rooms. According to a report dated Dec. 9, 1996,by ATC Associations, an independent consulting firm hired by the Town ofWilmington to conduct Indoor Air Quality and Microbiological testing at theschool. all in all indoor air quality parameters were within normal guideline rangeswith the exception of consistently elevated levels of carbon dioxide and lowrelative humidity levels throughout the school, verbalise the report.High levels of carbon dioxide indoors whoremonger be a sign of poor ventilationin a building. Carbon dioxide is an odorless gas which can cause discomfort atlower levels and act as a mild narcotic at higher concentrations. According tothe Dec. 9 report, If carbon dioxide levels reach 800-1000 parts permillion(ppm), the ventilation sy stem is not effectively working.At the Wilmington School Committee meeting on Feb. 12, schoolSuperintendent Dr. Geraldine A. ODonnell stated that there was a complaint of amusty odor in one of the class rooms after heavy rains on Nov. 6. There werealso complaints of nausea and headaches from many students. The room wasinspected by Roger Lessard, Public Building Superintendent. Mr. Lessard foundthe odor was being caused by Science chemicals stored there and mildew on awindow shelf in the room.School principal Doug Anderson checked with the school nurse for theattendance rate between Oct. 22 and the first week in November and found nadaout of the ordinary. However, being concerned about the safety of the studentsand staff, Mr. Anderson requested Lessard hire an outside consultant toevaluate the schools air quality.The Town of Wilmington then contracted with ATC Associations of Woburn,Environmental, Geoteccnical, and Materials Professionals. ATC conducted a testat the school Nov. 21 and sampled 19 locations. 11 of the 19 locations testedhad a carbon dioxide level of over 800 ppm. The average carbon dioxide levelwas 900ppm showing the results of inadequate ventilation.ATC explained numerous ways to improve the schools ventilation system.These included trimming the shrubs close to vents opening windows to allow air

Monday, May 27, 2019

Drama Essay Essay

Drama and dramatics in their content and course reflect the society from which they spring To what extent is this authoritative of modern Australian theatre practice?Theatre is a direct reflection of life and society. Any script is written, including their themes and genre, in the attempt to draw on and display our surrounding military man to ultimately impact audiences. Our unit of drama including Matt Camerons carmine moon on and Jane Harrisons Stolen does exactly this, but more specifically reflects on contemporary Australian culture and events. This combined with our experiential learning proved that theatre indeed is a mirror to society.Ruby Moons depiction of suburbia and its dark underbelly that lurks beneath an idyllic, picture-perfect veneer serves as the main content of the play and a powerful comment on Australian society. Growing up in suburban Melbourne, playwright Matt Cameron reflects his childhood roll in the hays through contemporary theatre. This involves an abandonment of genre classification through a deliberate outgoingiche of styles, creating dramatic tension and stimulating audience. Non-realism, the fractured fairy tale, absurdism, repulsive force, gothic, crime, humour, vaudeville and surrealism all combine to create ambiguity and therefore unpredictable tension. In addition, Ruby Moon is typically non-realist and non-traditional, and this ambiguity is evident in the unresolved closedown of Rubys existence was there a child, Ray?or ar we just having the same nightmare?Leaving the audience with more questions than answers opts out of the traditional resolution and rather mirrors the confronting complexities of contemporary Australian society, we are not the well-disposed or perfect country, rather as Cameron quotes a picture-perfect veneer, a paradox that the seemingly suburban proximity that defines Australia does not equal intimacy, fraternity, community. This is curiously evident through experiential learning, the pai r undertaking the final scenes tended towards Realism and believable Stanislavsky styled acting, which for audiences, conflicted once morest Camerons covert intent of ambiguity.However, the opening scenesperformed in our class took the foeman approach Brechtian in style, especially in the stripped back manner of set two chairs were the tho props used, and alienation of audience through sparkle and variation in pace and volume. Supporting this was the mixture of styles between heightened realism and absurdism contrasted within character Ray was played as the straight man, realist and sound in nature, responding and contrasting to Dulcies eccentric, loud and absurdist representation. This only heightens her unpredictability, presenting the pastiche of genre and style through character and the ambiguity beneath the suburban faade.Lighting again featured as a major theatre technique in my own performance of Ruby Moon. To consolidate for the harsh white lights of our theatre space, we make the choice to turn off house lights using darkness and a warm-yellow glow lamp. This provided a non-realist, eerie and uneasy atmosphere, with up-lighting on our faces a stereotypical horror visual to highlight the multi-facets of our characters personas and emphasis on the sinister undertones in the surrounding darkness. The intimidating atmosphere heightened the intimacy of the actor-audience relationship as viewers themselves were enveloped in darkness and focus drawn to the only light source on stage. This also presented Brechts alienation technique through uncertainty and self-consciousness instilled into the perception of the fear of the unknown within darkness.This certainly juxtaposes the idyllic and conventional nature of suburbia lights always on inside inviting and nothing to hide, reflecting Camerons ideals of theatre and Australian society that is the ingenious deceit of suburbiait is as much well-nigh the surrounding darkness as it is about the light. Stolen, whilst still in the landed estate of contemporary Australian theatre and non-realism, differs in its theatrical content, style and reflection of society. The theatre piece reflects a vital part in some(prenominal) our past and present Australian society that of the Stolen Generation, dramatising the fear, agony and ongoing aftermath even in contemporary times. The style is far more overt than Camerons world of deceit Harrison stresses the themes of identity, culture, hope and emotions of this event in a post-modern, extensive mix of performance styles and a non- taskar narrative structure.This episodic sequence allows for a merging of past and present, and was carried through in our own experientiallearning. When witnessing the performances of Stolen, it is clear the focus both groups put on emotion, non-linear structure and effective use of props to convey style and content. For example, the use of a white sheet and spotlight to create silhouettes for storytelling was a powerful motif and use of a theatrical prop to not only portray the non-realist and narrative style of Stolen, but to enhance the content of family and fear. Dual scenes were simultaneously presented one in dialogue, and the other in silhouetted visuals that emphasised and emotionalised the horrors of our Australian past. As Harrison quotes What I wanted was to make an emotional connectionI want them to think that happened to people. How would I feel?The play also incorporates elements of Brechts breaking of the one-quarter wall and Realism in both the scripted and our class performance of the final scene. As the master scripts stage directions dictate they line up diagonallyjust like in the first scene. Then the actors break out of their roles and talk in turn about their own experiences. The original production in 1998 did just this in relation to indigenous actors and their role in the stolen generation. However, for our class performance, students emulated the directions through their experiences in workshopping, characters, researching and performing Stolen.This simple, stripped back and realist Brechtian ending was the perfect theatrical technique and choice to reflect the plays content and importance of personal connection and emotion, adding and a contemporary spin on Australian theatre. As an audience member, it was incredibly powerful hearing actors talk unscripted and bring a true sense of realism and conviction when recounting their own experience strengthening the actor-audience relationship through understanding and empathy. One can only imagine the immense power of individuals exposed to the stolen generation and Australias dark past, and their re-telling of stories as actors on stage in Stolen. Witnessing our class performances, it was clear Harrisons intent of emotional connection with the audience and an empowered empathy towards the story and our own traditional and contemporary society.Theatre is simply a mirror to our society a reflection of our past wrongs and future endeavours with the aim of social comment and audience engagement. Both Camerons Ruby Moon and Harrisons Stolen addresscontemporary Australian society content whether it is the warped world of suburbia or our countrys mistakes, both employ dramatic and theatrical techniques and style to reflect this and strengthen the actor-audience relationship. As Matt Cameron quotes, theatre exists in the imagination of the beholderit is not necessarily about the black hat. It is about the blind man in the dark room looking for it.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

My Personal Responsibility to Achieve College Success Essay

The definition for individualized province is to be creditworthy for the choices, words, and actions that you make. To practice personal responsibility in ones education I think it is important to complete assignments on-time, study for tests, and actively participate in categorise. Becoming responsible for your academics is also very important and determines your proximo education and career. What is the relationship between personal responsibility and college success? Being personally responsible and achieving college success have many similarities.Even though personal responsibility does not always guarantee college success, they are associated because they share several similarities between them, both require taking charge of your current stakes, performing to your topper ability, and taking accountability for your mistakes and failures. Taking control of your situation is important and will determine your academic outcome. When you complete assignments on-time you are taki ng charge of your current situation. I have learned to effectively manage my time so that my assignments can be turned in before the due date.I also try out to perform to my trump out ability and do whatever it takes to successfully complete assignments on-time no matter how difficult or time consuming they can be. stage setting up short term goals allow me to become more accountable for my academics and will help me complete my long term goals as well. Performing to your best ability is imperative to obtaining college success. I always try to be the best that I can be by pushing myself to the limits and forcing myself to do whatever it takes to go the task completed.Studying for tests allows me to gain the most knowledge as possible and allows me to perform successfully in college. If you dont try and make excuses for low-down performance can lead to an unsuccessful academic experience. Preparing for tests and quizzes is necessary for both your instruction experience as well as your flesh. Maintaining a high grade point average is one of my academic goals and is something I will constantly be monitoring throughout my academic career. Actively participating in class and being responsible are important to your instruction experience and success.Getting involved in discussions and asking questions are all a part of the learning process and can provide a wealth of knowledge. Asking questions when something is unclear is your responsibility. Everyone should be responsible and accountable for their own mistakes and failures. Being responsible is acknowledging that you are accountable for the choices in your life and that let ining that will determine the direction for your life. You also must have personal accountability. Personal accountability is the act of taking responsibility for your actions in the workplace or other situations.Rather than directing blame on others, individuals should seek to understand their own contribution towards the situation an d how they could make the situation better. In conclusion, without personal responsibility you will not succeed academically. To be successful in life and in college you must be personally responsible for your choices, actions, and behaviors. Being successful means you need to take charge of your current situation, perform to your best ability and be accountable for your own mistakes and failures.Failing to accept personal responsibility result can result in negative consequences. When you have not accepted personal responsibility, you can run the risk of bonny overly dependent on others for recognition, approval, affirmation and acceptance. To practice personal responsibility in my education, I am working on learning self-management, preparing to learn strategies, and learning how to develop study skills. Being personally responsible is very important in all aspects of life and should always be a main priority.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis is a fiction novel that attempts to explore idealism concealed in fantasy. The protagonist, Gregory is a gross revenue man who is the bread winner of the family. He is a child of the family, but works hard to take care of his family, including his parents. He has a very interfering and tiring life. He is ever out on stock trips or at work. His hard work is not in vain, he is able to ask the needs of his family. He does not like the short letter however, he is nevertheless striving to clear his parents debts, after which he intends to quit.It is at this point that the story gets melodramatic suddenly, he metamorphoses into a vermin. The family is shocked at first, and then when they realize he is no longer beneficial, they decide to get rid of him. The novel does not experience on the event. The reader is faced with the aftermath. The whole happening, the how, is missing from the text. Perhaps the account of this is missing because Gregory must have been asl eep, thusly could not decipher changes in his body.The briny theme in the story is alienation. The story follows a simple straight forward plot which present the reader with a chance to easily comprehend. Gregory is change from the society, his family and himself. He opts for a permanent elimination after his metamorphosis. This is due to the fact that life becomes almost unbearable. He is an insect with a human identity. The alienation in the storyThe story appears simple and superfluous. From the onset, where Gregory turns into a vermin, the readers spirit is invoked into deep thought. The whole ideas seems irrational if not illogical, at least by the laws of science. We get to interact with the life of a business man, who lavatory no longer fend for the family due to his new state.The whole story appears metaphoric as it goes beyond natural instincts.The story is conservatively designed to make the user come to terms with it citation. This is to illustrate the truth of metamor phosis. Scientifically, metamorphosis is a process of irreversible transfiguration from angiotensin-converting enzyme less certain form to a more(prenominal) than developed form. In a story that attempts to create a fantasy in a real world, the reader is thrown into an unreal world that is unrecognizable by the mind. How can a man change into a Vermin overnight?As the story progresses, it gets clearer when compared with the present daylight industrial revolution. The advancement in technology makes the metamorphosis real.The story is symbolic and it gives a forecast into the future. The present day levels of alienation will be surpassed. The more the social Medias grow the more individualism grows. This shoots alienation to a whole new level.Much of the story is based on the after metamorphosis has taken is only after he has turned into a gigantic insect that he begins to analyze his life. He had never thought about his interests at deep length. His main goal had bee n to work as hard as possible for the family. His parents had a debt which he had purposed to clear.When he turns into a vermin, he does not even for a outcome ponder over the possibility. He is only thinking about how he is going to get to his job. To be able to sustain the family. He relates the situation with his softness to work, and laments about that only. He does not worry about how it happened. He quickly adapts to being an insect and hides behind the couch. He takes the whole life of an insect and alienates himself further. At the realization that he is no longer human, his family develops hostility. He becomes an enemy.The father wants to kill him while the mother faints. He is further alienated when the family gets ashamed of being with him. The instalments of his family thinks he is very ugly, dirty and scary. He also gets to develop the same attitude towards himself.We are showed how much serious it gets after metamorphosis has had effect. He is denied his rights. He is not a family member anymore. He has to adjust to a new life. Eating like an insect, sleeping under the couch among other sad realities.He has never had a chance to be close to anybody, since he has always been busy working. He had no personal life, his had been just work. It is only with his sister, Grete, whom he is a piece of music close with.He has always wanted to advance her studies in violin. He loved the way she played it. But now he could not even get a chance to watch her play, he was considered a nuisance.He loses track of his old life. He instead finds himself as a human being trapped in an insect body. He still yearns for his human lifestyle and hopes to incorporate it in his insect life. For instance, he does not approve of the decision by his family to remove the article of furniture from his room. His family assumes that he does not need them anymore since he is not a human now.But he does not cherish the idea of running approximately in an empty room. He howeve r, is unable to make his wish known to them. His is an insect, with an ugly appearance. If he shows up to try to prove a point, it would only affright them and perhaps attract more hostility. Therefore he decides to maintain a passive constitution. He prefers his room as it was previously as it reminds him that he is human. He wants to feel that he is still human, with feelings. He is not yet ready to lose his human identity as of yet.Earlier, he had a job and he was human, however, he was still alienated. He had work to attend to since he was the breadwinner of the family. Gregory was naturally motivated by the suffering of others. He didnt want any other member of the family struggling. He worried about their wellbeing and for this cause, he was always alone working. He would either be in restaurant rooms on business trips or at work on his own. His urge to help his family is crystal clear, although this contributes actively to his alienation.The novel vividly describes Gregorys plight before he undergoes metamorphosis. He starts lowly, then with hard work and great effort, he is able finally, to feed the family comfortably. The family is happy at his efforts, but does not make any attempts to understand his personal life. The family gets apply to the provisions he makes. The family alienates him and does not see beyond the money he makes.Gregory dislikes his job.The job prevents him from living a life true to his lifestyle. He is forced into the job by circumstances. He plans on walking out, but cannot do so presently because he has a debt to clear. A debt he is paying for his parents. His selfless nature adds more to his personal sufferings as man. This makes his life unbearable even before his metamorphosis. He sticks to job he hates not because he wants to, but because of a more honorable cause. This, as expected, alienates him further.The protagonist, Gregory agrees to die, when the sister, with whom he had ever managed an intimate relationship with, finally decides that they need to get rid of him. The decision that he must disappear was one that he held to even more strongly than his sister if that were possible. In this state of vacant and peaceful meditation, he remained until the tower clock struck three in the morning. The first broadening of light in the world outside the window entered his consciousness once more. Then his head sank to the floor of its own accord and from his nostrils came the detain flicker of his breath. (135pg).He approves of the idea partly because he thinks that it would do the family good. He thought he was already becoming a burden, and one who is used to ambit out to people, promptly approves of his death. This is the final stage and the most fatal permanent alienation he subjects himself to.The novel brings Gregorys alienation to light before and after metamorphosis. He suffers both as a human and as an insect. He suffers more as a vermin as compared to when he was still human. He can no long er go to work, thus the guilt weighs more heavily on him. He is now an insect and feels that he needs to disappear from the lives of his family members, therefore he opts for a permanent method. He dies, thereby alienating himself permanently.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Marcionism & God Essay

Marcionism is a dual belief system that originated from Marcion of Sinope in Rome teachings in the year 144. It affirmed that Jesus was a savior who was sent by God and capital of Minnesota was his principal apostle but Marcion himself rejected Yahweh and the Hebrew Bible. It was referred to as heresy by those who opposed it and wrote a basketball team book treatise against it. Marcionism teachings affirmed that Christianity was different from and opposition Judaism. It opposed the whole of the Hebrew Bible, and decl atomic number 18d Hebrews Bible God was a minor demiurge, who created the earth and was the source of evil.The principles of Marcionism atomic number 18 that many teachings of Jesus Christ are incompatible with those of the god of the Jewish Religion. Referring to Pauline traditions in the Gospel, Marcionism believed that the Gospel, opposed to teachings from the old testament that were believed to be misleading from the truth. Pauls arguments in respect to the gospel and law, grace and wrath, faith and works, spirit and flesh, righteousness and sin, life and death were the base of religious truth.Marcionites holds maltheistic perception of the God of Hebrew Bible as (Yaltabaoth) inconsistent, wrathful, jealous and genocidal, and created a defective world, a site of suffering and term such a God as a malevolent demiurge whom they refer to as Yaltabaoth. Montanus was the founder of Montanism, an early Christian juntoor founded in the mid 2nd century AD in Phrygia region and its followers are referred to as Cataphrygians. Tertullian was the most widely known Montanist.Montanus claimed to have received a number of revelations from the Holy Ghost beside and strolled in the settlement in Asia where he preached what he claimed to be the Words of God but those who opposed him especially the Orthodox claimed his teaching as but those who opposed him especially the Orthodox claimed his teaching as hearsay. He traveled along with two women who claimed t o have received some revelations too, and they urged their follower to pray and fast so that they could receive revelations too. The teachings of Montanism spread from Phrygia, to Africa, Gaul and the respite of the world.Christians withal agree with the some teachings of Marcionism like the opposition of murder and genocide that were employed in the Old Testament. Marcionism imposed a high degree of pietism to its followers and those who were immoral were some times persecuted. The early encouraged the positive teachings of Montanism and Marcionism however there existed clear differences in the teachings between different sects Donatism was an unorthodox sect of the early Christianity that was founded by Donatus Magnus and believed that holiness was a mandatory for church members and essential in administration of sacraments.Donatists lived originally in Roman Africa and attained their biggest number in the 4th to 5th centuries. One of the central issues in the Donatists controv ersy is that at some levels, the church is normally called into the communion with God and that is not breakable from piece being point of view given by the grace of God in Christ therefore, leaving the church is like leaving grace and doubting Gods power and adding a semi Pelagian realization of the salvation.The Council of Arles in the A. D. 314 criticized the Donatists although the Donatists flourished. The Donatists and Orthodox Catholics in Africa were against each other as a result in 393 A. D, St. Augustine codified the Catholic teachings concerning baptism founded on controversy between Orthodox Catholics and Donatists. His diplomatic efforts and teachings didnt terminate the fighting and bickering, the government powers were called upon and in 411 A.D. an imperial commission banned Donatism by reservation its practices illegal (Robert E. van Voorst (Readings in Christianity, US, Wadsworth/Thomson publishers, 2000) p 136-136. Constantines conversion to Christianity lead to the Edict of Milan and Christianity became legalized he became a committed member of the church and set anteriority for the post of the Christian Emperors in the Church that would be pursued for centuries.This was a turning point for Christianity because he supported the church with all available resources and that tag the beginning of Christendom Diocletian was one of the four documents of Constantine that brought to an end may decades of anarchy and crisis when Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus became the Roman emperor in 284, other documents include licinius, Maxentius and Maximianus Herculius.Arius beliefs that became part of Arianism included the situation that he believed that god was not the father all the time and gods words were not eternal but were merely made out of nothing, he also believed that god made all the creatures including himself hence he was also susceptible to change like other creatures he had created and there was the belief that the Son was create d on other creatures accounts and does not understand his nature and could other creature not have been created, the son would not have been created too.the result of the Nicaea- Constantinople council was that the, after reading of several(prenominal) Arius documents, they were termed as blasphemous and the end result was that Arius were sent to exile along with some of his followers. ( Jane M. McCabe, The Single Story of Divine Prophecy to Abraham, (US, Xlibris,2001Corporation publishers, 2001) p182-211) REFERENCES Robert E. Van Voorst, Readings in Christianity, US, Wadsworth/Thomson publishers, 2000 Jane M. McCabe, The Single Story of Divine Prophecy to Abraham, US, Xlibris,2001Corporation publishers, 2001

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Role of Corruption and Virtue in “A Man for All Seasons”

A hu publicness for All Seasons is a play written by Robert Bolt. It is inspired by true events and revolves around Saint Sir Thomas more than, the chancellor of England during the 16th century.King Henry VIIIs wife, Catherine of Aragon (of Spain), is unable to bear a child and provide an heir for the throne. Owing to this reason, he wishes to divorce her and marry Anne Boleyn, the child of his former mistress.However, Saint Sir Thomas More is against this idea and refuses to approve of the Kings desire. The Pope to a fault is against this notion as he had previously forgotten a biblical law in order to allow Henry VIII to marry his wife. What follows is the test of a mans ability to cease from falling prey to the temptation of bribery and corruption, even if it means having to give up wealth, luxury and power.Thesis A major theme in A patch for All Seasons is the delineation between virtue and corruption in all its aspects, political, mental, moral and spiritual, depicted pri marily through the leading characters.Robert Bolt, through the medium of the briny characters in the play, has elucidates the differences between the corrupt and the conscience-driven the immoral and the principled. The play itself is a depiction of society and its many facets.Sir Thomas More characterizes morality. He is a hero of selfhood, sum that he will not compromise on his self or his values simply in order to please or gratify someone. He is the antithesis of the corrupt.The Common Man represents common individuals and society in general. He performs various roles to portray conventional characters that one would encounter in everyday life. Ultimately he begins to forfeit his moral standards and concedes to the audience that in life, a man must do what is required in order to subsist.The character of Richard Rich is symbolic of rapaciousness and avarice. He is a man that willingly sacrifices his ethics and principles for wealth and linear perspective. He is the epitome of corruption and depravity. Through this representation of morality and its antithesis, the writer has aptly draw to the audience the elements of corruption, in all its forms.Thomas More is the kind of man that would rather sacrifice his life than his ethics. Not only the audience but the other characters too view More as a man of morals. It is due to this fact that the King wishes to attain Mores acceptance before divorcing his wife and marrying some other woman.Mores acquiescence would endow the Kings decision with morality and people would approve of it more readily. The various characters attempt to sway Mores resolution of disapproval of the Kings marriage to Anne Boleyn. His steadfastness in resisting bribes demonstrates the strength of his principles.For instance, when the Duke of Norfolk tries to convince More to sign an oath of allegiance, trying to reform England and the Church, More responds by stating, And when we stand before God, and you are sent to Heaven for doing a ccording to your conscience, and I am sent to hell for not doing according to mine, will you get under ones skin along with mefor fellowship?The audience will notice that there exists not an ounce of corruption in the character of Thomas More. He is the representative of a noble and virtuous human being. He is beheaded because of lie told by Richard Rich and till the very end More remains a man of conscience who will not submit to bribery even if his life were to depend on it, literally. He remains a man anchored to his principles (36).The Common Man illustrates a middle path between the virtuous and the unscrupulous. He depicts the base nature of an average man. The choices of an average man are governed primarily by his desire to survive, whether by hook or crook, and that is exactly what the Common Man portrays through his various images.His declaration Better a live rat than a exsanguine lion in travel II Scene vii, is a perfect example of this attitude of his. Here he is pl aying the jailer and affirms that hed rather live by taking bribes or resorting to corruption, than die as an honorable man who will not give up upon his morals. His actions are not guided by his conscience but by his will to live, no matter what the price.Richard Rich is a superficial and insincere individual who epitomizes the height of corruption. He, along with other characters that include Thomas Cromwell, Wolsey and Chapuys has been used by the author to embody the corruption existing in society. Rich is willing to sacrifice anything to advance himself politically.He yearns for position and affluence at any cost. The opening scene itself gives us a glimpse into Richs personality when he tells More that he should be a teacher and disregards Mores advice saying that he should not be chasing after wealth and power and must surrender his corrupt ways.In Act I Scene viii it is insinuated that Rich has sold his soul to the devil when he divulges information about the gilded cup to C romwell in exchange for a job. The decisive illustration of his corrupt nature is when he lies, under oath in court, and gets his friend, More beheaded for his own selfish needs.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Hebrew Wisdom Essay

The book of Proverbs can be very useful to its readers when in need of wisdom or helpful insight. Everyday hoi polloi ar forced to make life choicesgood or bad. The book of Proverbs covers various issues and topics that can be found useful when making any decision. Whether it is an issue of marriage, sexuality, wealth, poverty, guarding the tongue, relations with emotions, or many more, Proverbs paints a acute picture of what both the right path and the wrong path have in store. The book of Proverbs presents a vivid contrast between the life of wisdom and the life of rabies (Hindson and Yates 263). Proverbs is Gods manual to His people on how to live a life that is delight to Him. throughout the book of Proverbs, readers will see the words practical application and laziness multiple convictions. These words correspond with the contrast between wisdom and folly because diligence is the result of wisdom and laziness is the result of folly.Towards the beginning of the book of Pr overbs one verse in particular tells its readers clearly where the root of gaining wisdom and diligence is at The panic of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline (New International Version, Prov. 1.7). All wisdom comes from fearing the Lord. This type of fear is not a fear of terror but rather a fear of awe and reverence. By having a respect for God, His children should want to please Him, which would result in considering the outcome in every decision being made. When people make wise choices it results in diligence, peace of mind, wealth (literally or spiritually), and gaining more knowledge. In contrast, foolish decisions bring more or less destruction, fear, laziness, and much more.Throughout Proverbs readers will repeatedly see warnings against laziness and rewards for diligence Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor party (Prov. 12.24). There is a theme throughout Proverbs repeatedly stating the benefits of dilige nce and the consequences of laziness. Theseprinciples tie into wisdom and folly because when being wise, people will be wise with their time and are on the path to be continually growing in themselves and in the Lord. The reward in being diligent is an overflow of blessings The blessings of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it (Prov. 10.22). When being foolish people do not recognize the preciousness of time. In being selfish, they do not understand that their deficiency of action affects othersor they do not seem to care. When not walking with God and depending on our own abilities and understanding, people will miss out on the rewards of diligence. He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe (Prov. 28.26).When reading the book of Proverbs, readers will find the book to be overflowing with wise instructions on how to live a life that glorifies God. Big or small, Proverbs offers many wise words and teachings for every situation people walk through in life. Whatever circumstance someone is going through the book of Proverbs gives helpful insight on how to wisely navigate life. Throughout the book of Proverbs readers will see a pattern of the rewards that diligence reaps and the natural consequences one must face when being lazy. This compares to the contrast between wisdom and folly in that when being wise in all one does, there will be a multitude of blessings and rewards. Get wisdom, discipline and understanding (Prov. 23.23b). average like when being lazy, when one is foolish there will be some unpleasant consequences in hopes that a lesson will be learned the side by side(p) time around. A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless (Prov. 14.16).Works CitedHindson, Ed, and Gary, Yates. The Essence of the Old Testament A Survey. Nashville B&H Publishing Group, n.d. Print.New International Version. Grand Rapids Zondervan, n.d. Print.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Managerial Economics: A Game Theoretic Approach Essay

Using computations from Assignment 1, determine the merchandise social organization in which the low-calorie frozen, microwavable food society operates.The commercialize organise that this beau monde is likely to be in is the oligopoly structure whereby it could be in a duopoly or not. A duopoly is a market structure in which there atomic number 18 some libertines in the industry. It is a market structure that lies between deuce market structures, that is, abruptly competitive market and monopoly. there are two or more sellers but the number of sellers is not as large as that of the ones present in a perfectly competitive market. The firm give notice be categorized as a monopoly mainly beca work of the rape sectional demand of the firm. The cross set elasticity demand of this particular firm is 0.68. This scarce means that an gain in the expenses of the competitors product by one whole implies a 0.68 unit increase in terms of the quantity demanded. This basically i mplies that the cross sectional demand in inelastic. As such, the increase in price, decrease in price or generally the change of prices by this particular firm leave behind not take a portentous effect in terms of the quantity demanded. This is the ideal representation of a firm in an oligopoly. The grasp for individual action can be said to be way greater than in the courting that the product was differentiated. In some other words, one individual seller does not stand to lose in the case that he or she decides to charge a higher price. For this reason, this firm is definitely beneath an oligopoly market structure.(Webster, 2003)Outline a plan that will assess the effectiveness of the market structure for the companys operationsThe issue of prices is basically the basis of the plan that is to be formulated. Generally, the price quantity combination depends upon the actions that are taken by the rest of the firms in the duopoly. In other words, the boodle that is accrued by for apiece one and every seller is a result of the decisions that have been reached by each individual seller. The monopoly price that will be charged under this market structure could come with a series of consultations or simply individual experiments. For this particular firm to maximize its profits it needs to fix its price through an epitome with the assumption that there exists only one firm in the market. In the event that the firm fixes its price higher than this price, it will make gains. In the event that it fixes the price lower, it will lose.Given that business operations have changed from the market structure specified in the original scenario in Assignment 1, determine two (2) likely factors that might have ca employ the change. Predict the primary manner in which this change would likely restore business operations in the new market environment.The assumed market structure was that the firm was under a perfectly competitive market. It however turns out that the f irm is in an imperfect market, a duopoly precisely. There are a number of f actors that are likely to have caused the change in this market structure. One of the reasons is that there probably existed one factor of production that is owned by a few firms only. As a result, not many firms are able to crap the product. Besides, it is in any case a guess that there existed many firms initially in the market under a perfectly competitive market. These firms could have decided to merge thereafter and consolidated themselves into one major firm with the aim of reducing competition. In this way, the number of sellers reduces.Analyze the major short run and long cost functions for the low-calorie, frozen microwaveable food company given the cost functions below. Suggest substantive ways in which the low-calorie food company may use this information in order to make decisions in both the short-run and the long-run.TC = 160,000,000 + vitamin CQ + 0.0063212Q2VC = 100Q + 0.0063212Q2MC= 100 + 0.0126424QThe total cost function is an increasing function of quantity produced. This implies that an increase in the quantity produced results to an increase in the cost of production. This is consistent with economic theory. The intercept of the total cost function is 160,000 meaning that when no quantity is produced, or rather when the quantity produced is zero, the fixed cost is 160,000. The Marginal Cost function is also an increasing function of quantity produced. It gives the effect of producing an extra unit. The firm should thereby produce up to a level whereby the cost of producing an extra unit does not exceed the returns from that particular unit.(Hirschey, 2008)Determine the possible dowry under which the company should discontinue operations. Suggest key actions that management should take in order to await these circumstances. Provide a rationale for your responseThe firm should discontinue its operations in the case that the organic costs are more than the tot al gross. This would imply that the firm is making losses. The firm should also discontinue its operations in the event that the marginal costs are greater than the marginal revenue. That is, the cost of producing an extra unit is greater than the cost of selling that additional unit. The firm should also discontinue its operations in the event that the marginal revenue is zero or less. This is with regard to the law of diminishing marginal revenue which holds that the revenue from selling an additional unit will increase to a point where an additional unit of input will not increase the quantity produced. In this case therefore, extra costs will be incurred in the process of producing an extra unit but revenue will not change. This is an nonproductive phase of production.Suggest one (1) pricing policy that will enable your low-calorie, frozen microwavable food company to maximize profits. Provide a rationale for your suggestion.At ceteris Paribus, the demand function of the marke t isThe demand compare will be as shown below, with all other factors held constantQ = -5200 42*(P) + 20*600 + 5.2*5500 + 0.2*10000 + 0.25*5000Q = 38650 42(P)P = 38650/42 (Q)/42The equilibrium prices and quantities are5200 + 45P=38650 42P33,450=87PP = 384.48Q = 5200 + 45*(384.48) = 22,501.6Total Revenue = Price X Quantity = 38650/42 (Q)/42QMR= 38650/42 = 920. 23 = PThe average revenue should be twin to the price and give the demand function. The best pricing solution that this firm can and should make is to produce at this price.Outline a plan, based on the information provided in the scenario, which the company could use in order to evaluate its financial performance. Consider all the key drivers of performance, such as company profit or loss for both the short term and long term, and the fundamental manner in which each factor influences managerial decisions.Being a firm under the oligopoly market structure, the firm should put the image of price leadership into practice. Essentially, this simply implies that the firm should be able to put itself out as a dominant firm and as such it should be able to command the authority to set the prices in the market. It should also be able to be the firm that commands any change when it comes to prices in such a way that it has the ability to change prices while the other firms follow suit. The firm therefore is in a situation in which it is able to control prices to its benefit. As a consequence, the other competing firms will not be able to maximize their own profits unless they follow the prices that are set by this firm. In other words, a special monopoly is peed in the duopoly. (Washick, 2005)Recommend two (2) actions that the company could take in order to improve its profitability and deliver more value to its stakeholders. Outline, in brief, a plan to implement your recommendations.Due to the homogenization of products, there is the problem of competition especially among the buyers. This simply impli es that there will be one angiotensin converting enzyme price for sellers. As a result, the best recommendation with regard to the action that the firm should take is to delay that they maximize on output. A change in terms of output by the seller has a very significant effect in terms of the prices of the good that is produced. As much as the actions of his or her rivals could be somewhat unknown, it is most definite that the other sellers will change or alter the prices in a way that they will match the output. An increase in terms of the output also implies that the firm will also increase its revenue.The Collusion Solution is also another recommendation that could be used by this particular firm in question. This basically implies that the market participants could always try and join in concert in the event that the participants find that the competition is too much, they could join together so as to create one competitive firm. (Waschick,2005)ReferencesFisher, T., & Waschick , R. (2005). Managerial Economics A Game Theoretic Approach. London Routledge.Hirschey, M. (2008). Managerial Economics. in the altogether York Cengage Learning.Webster, T. J. (2003). Managerial Economics Theory and Practice. London Academic Press.Source document

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Learning Psychology Essay

pedagogics and skill ar one of the most important ingredients to becoming each(prenominal) that you stool be. How open you are to culture will help determine your path in life. Education and strikeing are one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you arsehole be. How open you are to learning will help determine your path in life. Education does not just guide at school. It is not just just about Math and other subjects. Your breeding and learning are mishap all the time. They happen any time your mind is open to learning. Education is not just about learning facts, but more(prenominal) so about learning how to think.It is learning to make good choices. It is learning to act with purpose. Becoming educated is a lifelong process. It can be hard and frustrating at times, but it can also be incredibly exciting and enriching. Most importantly, learning and education can help you Change the world Become a better person Reach your potential fleet your fears Ma ke the most of mistakes Support your family Here are some inspiring quotations that capture the agent of education and what it can do for you and the world Motivation in Learning by Haibat Khan haibiniazigmail. com.Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela When you fuck better you do better. Maya Angelou Somewhere, something incredible is time lag to be have it awayn. Carl Sagan Even the extraneousst mind has something yet to learn. George Santayana Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. Henry Ford The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert mentality Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. Chinese Proverb None of us is as tonic as all of us. Ken Blanchard A house is not a home unless it contains food and give notice for the mind as well as the body. Benjamin Franklin The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fir e to be kindled. Plutarch Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Aristotle You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions. Naguib Mahfouz Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. W. B. Yeats If you cant explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough. Albert Einstein.Nothing in life is to be feared. It is save to be understood. Marie Curie A mistake is a crash-course in learning. Billy Anderson We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn. Mary Catherine Bateson He who opens a school doorstep, closes a prison. Victor Hugo fellowship will bring you the opportunity to make a difference. Claire Fagan Education is teaching our children to desire the right things. Plato I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are thesame. Practice means to perform, over and over again in the fountain of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired. Martha GrahamEducation is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the worlds work, and the power to appreciate life. Brigham spring chicken I received the fundamentals of my education in school, but that was not enough. My real education, the superstructure, the details, the true architecture, I got out of the public library. For an impoverished child whose family could not afford to buybooks, the library was the open door to wonder and achievement, and I can never be sufficiently grateful that I had the wit to find fault through that door and make the most of it. - Isaac Asimov Painful as it may be, a significant ruttish event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us and those around us more effectively. Look for the learning. Louisa May Alcott Imagination is more i mportant than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. Albert Einstein Haibat Khan haibiniazigmail. com.

Early Education and Maria Montessori Essay

In 1870, maria Mostessori was born in Chiaravalle, Ancona province in Italy. In 1896 she became the first female physician in her country after commencement ceremony at the University of Rome. She represented her country in two womens conferences, in Berlin (1896) and London (1900). Her clinical observations during her checkup practice served as bases for her analyses of pincerrens behaviour. This has persuaded her to return to the university and pursue psychology and philosophy. In 1904, she became a professor of anthropology at the University of Rome.Thus, she make a paradigm shift from physiological aspect of man to mind (Maria Montessori A picture Biography, n. d. ). In 1906, she relinquished her medical and teaching professions to establish Casa dei Bambini, or Childrens House wherein she nurtured the 60 children of working parents in San Lorenzo, Rome. In her institution, she made scientific observations on the childrens spontaneous cultivation functioning and eventually developed her methods of educating young minds.Her findings moulded her to be an advocate of suppurational reform in teaching principles and methodologies, and teacher training programs (Maria Montessori A brief Biography, n. d. ). Alexander Graham Bell and his wife, together with other colleagues such as Thomas Edison and Helen Keller, founded the Montessori Educational Association at Washington DC in 1913 in the alike(p) year when Maria Montessori visited the United Sates. During the Panama-Pacific internationalistic Exhibition in San Francisco in 1915, Maria Montessori amused the solid ground with her glass house school room.She also trained teachers and graced the gatherings of both the National Education Association and the International Kindergarten Union during this second U. S. visit. In addition, in 1917, the Spanish government invited her to grace the opening of a investigate institute and started her series of teacher training programs in London in 1919 (Maria Mon tessori A brief Biography, n. d. ). Maria Montessori became a government inspector in Italy in 1922, however, forced to leave her country in 1934 because of her opposition to Mussolinis fascism.During the Spanish Civil War in 1936, she was rescued by a British cruiser in Barcelona, Spain. She also graced the opening of the Montessori Training Centre in Laren, Netherlands in 1938 and started a series of teacher training programs in India in 1939. Together with her son Mario, she continuously trained educators in India amidst the domain of a function War II in 1940. Then, she founded the Montessori Centre in London in 1947. In her pursuit of educational reform, she was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for three consecutive years (1949-1951).In 1952, Maria Montessori passed a room in Noordwijk, Holland besides through her Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) she founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1929, the fruits of her works hit been treasured in the scene of action of edu cation (Maria Montessori A brief Biography, n. d. ). The Montessori Method Maria Montessori began practice her professional work in the field of psychiatry by visit children who were believed to be noeticly deficient in asylums. She observed how children in the asylums crawl on the floor, grab for crumbs of bread, chase and fight with each other.She reasoned out that children acted in this way because this is their only means to relieve their boredom for being locked up in a naive room. This mental deficiency according to her was pedagogical in nature. She also affirmed that these feeble-minded tagged children only lack realize but are capable of larn just like other normal children. Then, she avowed her educational theory in 1907 by combining the methods of s come alongs in medicine, education, and anthropology. Her new method, both experimental and miraculous in nature, enhanced the scientific qualities of education and peed teachers as social engineers.Her Casa dei Bambini in Rome has served as laboratory in asserting her theories. She led in teaching children in a worst environment and trained her teachers in moulding young minds. The Casa dei Bambini has trained children to catch on their own by doing acquire exercise without adults assistance. As a result, her pedagogical theories and methods have transformed the unruly children into refined individuals. Children learned not only piece of music and reading but also self respect (Flaherty, n. d. ). Didactic MaterialsIn the Casa dei Bambini, Maria Montessori observed the childrens lack of interest in toys and drawing materials but on didactic materials. She thought that those children were al vigorous excite of toys with a single function, thus, they have much interest in materials which can be manipulated. She interpreted this as the childrens willingness to solve problems by trial and error gaining joy at they successfully finish the confinement (Flaherty, n. d. ). Learning by Doing Maria Montes sori believed that the school is a place for learning cognitive skills and self-reliance. She focused on learning skills that can be practically applied.These skills should be learned by the through self-exploration. To facilitate the learning process, she programed the classrooms conducive for learning. Each room has a set of learning materials designed for the childrens age level such as small tables and chairs, low washstands, and nook for other materials including pets (Flaherty, n. d. ). Stages of Learning Maria Montessori establish the notion that the combination of sensory observation, repetition, and teacher guidance should direct learning in order to for the child to understand completely the sequence of the learning activity (Flaherty, n.d. ). Hence, for her education of the senses is important before the education of the intellect. For instance, if children have runny nose they could not appreciate different smells and if their hands are filthy they will part to identi fy different textures. Thus, achievement and maintenance of cleanliness promote not only motor activity but also learning cognitive skills. In addition, she emphasized that children are intrinsically motivated by the learning activity and not by any external reward (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ).Thus, the selection and design of any learning activity is crucial in propelling children for further learning. The Teachers According to Maria Montessori, teachers should dispense children with the highest regard. They must understand children through observation and analysis (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ). By this means, teachers can ply to the needs of every child. She suggested that some teachers should live within the school to effectively manage the activities of the institution. They should be open-minded, ready to participate to all undertakings of the school, and must willing to adopt special methods.Moreover, there should be technical and visiting teachers who will ruin lesson based on their field of proficiency or craftsmanship. This will help children to learn things that are practically useful in everyday living, thus, training them for independence (Flaherty, n. d. ). Montessoris Contributions Maria Montessori pioneered in the psychology of too soon childhood education. The materials and design of her Casa dei Bambini such as small and child-sized tables, chairs and washstands, and her didactic materials became a exemplification of the present childhood education in a lot of countries.Her pedagogical principle, education of the senses before the education of the intellect, has gained a wide acceptance because this paved not only for the sensori-motor skills development but also for the development of the cognitive skills (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ). Hein (2008) discussed the tenets of Montessoris concept of early education that became the backbone of the present early childhood educati on. Maria Montessori believed that education should cater to the needs of every child.Since children are fascinated by the smasher of nature, they should not be virtual prisoners in a classroom. Instead, nature must be used as their learning environment where real objects are used in every learning activity. In the Montessori system, children should actively engage in every learning activity at their own pace. The teacher should not be autocratic and must not force learners for a non-interesting lesson. Limitations of the Montessori Method Modern educators through the contemporary researches in educational psychology have seen some limitations of the pedagogical practices of Maria Montessori.First, her method does not really give opportunity for learning to learn (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ). Modern educators describe Montessoris learning tasks as rigid, compartmentalized, and an end-state reached once it is done. This means that when the child has powerful done the activity, learning stops. In the real world, children need capabilities to create and adapt to their changing environment. Thus, they should not only train with compartmentalized activities. Second, her method is a method of perfection (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ).One the child has correctly reached the end of the task, learning has already done. This will not develop creativity and innovation in the child for the didactic materials design limit the creative freedom (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ). Hence, the method will not pave for the development of multiple intelligences. Moreover, her method is restrain in scope and flexibility (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ). There is a single way to correctly accomplish the task on didactic materials, thus, limited the childs initiative to use the materials in his own way.If a child has manipulated the materials of his own way, the teacher encourages him to continue wor king until such time that he completed it based on pre-determined parameters. This impedes the development of genuine inner initiative, creativity, and individuality (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ). novel findings have proven that Montessoris Method is merely just a cost-effective and highly businesslike way in the preparation of children for formal learning (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ).No matter what the fresh researches in the field of educational psychology revealed against Montessoris Method, it is slake a fact that Maria Montessori made a great educational reform in the early childhood education. She pioneered in the advocacy of child-centred learning process, development of the sensori-motor and cognitive skills through her education of the senses before education of the intellect dogma, and training children for self-reliance by giving learning experiences with practical applications and using the nature as learning environment.N onetheless, she proposed the roles of teachers in the educative process as non-autocratic. The educator should observe and analyze the nature of the learners, create learning environment and learning materials that financing and encourage further learning, and must cater to the needs, interest, and ability of every child.Some of the Montessoris principles that are still ubiquitous in the contemporary teaching methods are nature, science, observation based respect for individual differences union of learners care of self and environment time and space to practice and perfect the three-period lessons (introduction/demonstration, practice/assimilation, independent expression) fudge of error peer learning and teaching and isolation of learning objective (Maria Montessori The Woman and the Method, n. d. ). References Flaherty, T. (n. d. ). Maria Montessori.Retrieved October 24, 2008, from http//www. webster. edu/woolflm/montessori. hypertext markup language Hein, S. (2008). Notes From the Work of Maria Montessori. Retrieved October 24, 2008, from http//eqi. org/maria. htmIntroduction%20and%20Summary Maria Montessori A Brief Biography. (n. d. ). North American Montessori Teachers Association. Retrieved October 24, 2008, from http//www. montessori-namta. org/NAMTA/geninfo/mmbio. html Maria Montessori The Woman and The Method. (n. d. ) The Swaraj Foundation. Retrieved October 24, 2008, from http//www. swaraj. org/shikshantar/montessori. html

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Red Smith: More Than Just a Sportswriter Essay

There is truly no person that has ever deserved to be called a author much than flushed smith. As a man who loved and believed in the art of theme, he once stated, All you do is sit d aver and open a vein and bleed it come out drop by drop (Schmuhl xx). Even more(prenominal), he was a hard passing and dedicated man that spew his all into for each one firearm of literature, despite the constant and restraining deadlines placed on him. His dedication was neer more evident than when he stated, I made up my mind that every time I sit down down to a typewriter I would slash my veins and bleed and that Id try to make each word dance (Schmuhl xx).Furthermore, his work far exceeded the stigmas placed on sports committal to create verbally at the time, since he c atomic number 18d more about(predicate) the literature than the subject matter. This is all evident in his essay, When I Was an Athlete, in which he discusses what it was the homogeneous to try to get out of lyceum c lass as a starter motor in college. violent metalworkers background, get downs, and writing style propelled him to be one of the big(p)est sportswriters of all time. Red Smiths background helps explain his current thought as one of the best sportswriters to ever make clean up a pen. Smith graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1927 and wasted no time write on as a reporter.After working for the Milwaukee Sentinel, Smith took a job as a sportswriter for the St. Louis Star-Times. He went on to write for the Philadelphia Record for nine years, which allowed him to besides hone his skills as a writer. Finfriend in 1945, Smith began his critically acclaimed column, Views of Sport in the unsanded York Herald Tribune. This would all climax in his 1956 victory of the coveted Grantland Rice Memorial Award for outstanding sports writing and a Pulitzer cherish in 1976, which he claimed was one of the two achievements he would like to be remembered for according to Schmuhl. S mith ? ally joined the staff of the New York Times in 1972, where he continued writing his famed and devout sports columns (Britannica Encyclopedia).Smith, considered to be one of the most literate and colorful sportswriters of all time, developed a keen writing style during his early years in the business. He delved into the worlds of football, baseball, boxing, and horse racing in his writing. According to the Britannica Encyclopedia, Smiths literary craftsmanship, humorous and iconoclastic approach, and deep retireledge of sports made him of the of the United States most habitual sportswriters and he managed to shake the heavy argon used in most sportswriting, while maintaining his popularity.He hitherto became a consultant on usage for many dictionaries and encyclopedias due to his precise use of the English talking to (Britannica Encyclopedia). All these attri furtheres led Smith to becoming a better writer. While Smith may bemuse had an illustrious career writing about s ports, that wasnt even his ? rst resentment. Smith put it plainly, I never had any soaring ambition to be a sportswriter, per se. I wanted to be a composition man, and came to realize I didnt really care which side of the paper I worked on (Schmuhl xvi).Robert Schmuhl further turn ups that Reds passion was rooted in more than just sports through the quote, Journalism was his passion rather than sports, a viewpoint that never exchanged (xvi). This passion for writing explains why his work is more literate than the norm for sports writing and deviates from the regular jargon found in newspapers. Furthermore, this helped him gain wide popularity, since his works werent just catered to race who watched sports. His work ethic as well as put in him in a position to become a bulky writer.Since he was a perfectionist who was al counsellings looking for the perfect phrase or metaphor, his columns could deal upwards of six hours to write (Schmuhl xx). Smith was also one of the last rep orters to leave the infatuation box and when he wasnt at work, he would spend long hours in his home of? ce, to which he referred to as The Sweat Shop or The Torture Chamber (Schmuhl xx). When Smith worked in Philadelphia, he was writing columns seven days a week and even ? ling event stories, and this work came with little embossment as he worked for the Record for nine years (Schmuhl xvi). However, this work did not come without reward.Stanley Woodward, the sports editor of the New York Herald Tribune, called Smith with a job opportunity (Schmuhl xvi). Woodward viewed him as the commodiousest of all sports writers, by which I mean he is better than all the ancients as well as the modems (Schmuhl xvi). His move to New York allowed him to irritate a wider audience and it wouldnt be possible without his undying work ethic. While his background and experiences show how he was able to write luminously, his writing is what truly shot him to the top of his ? eld. The brilliance in h is work was never more evident than his essay, When I Was an Athlete.In this essay, he pulled together all of the great things that Smith is agnisen for, most notably his humor, strong sense of opinion, and use of metaphors and similes. The essay deviates from his norm of writing about other pile in sports, and instead discusses his own sports experience. He rack upers an fire story about how he didnt like gym class his freshman year at Notre Dame University, so in order to not have to go to the classes, he joined the track team. Playing it off like he was a decent mile runner, he managed to acquire a spot on the team.When it was ? ally time to run at a meet, he ran so poorly that other runners were really lapping him, and his merciful coach decided to cut him a break and tell him to hit the showers. ulterior on he decided to ditch track and not go to gym class either, but he was able to skate by with gym attendance due to the gym teachers neglectfulness with record keepin g. He was still marked down with good attendance by the time locomote came around. Swimming, unlike regular gym, wouldnt have been an issue for Smith, but his friend didnt admit how to float so he asked Red to help him out and take the test for him.Since the instructor didnt know either of the two, Smith signed in with the wrong name and passed the test for his friend. However, when it was time for Red to take the test for himself, which he planned to take after everyone else was done the moveming supervisor told him that he had already passed. Thus, Smith thought he wasnt going to get any kind of credit for gym, but since the swim instructor gave over everyone on the roster for the swim tests, which gave everyone a passing grade, he was able to get a delegacy with not properly participating in gym class.Smith concludes his experience with freshman gym in When I was an Athlete, So there I was. I had ducked out of gym class, I had failed as a runner, and I had not passed the swim ming test in my own name. I had no right whatever to a gym credit but I got it because that instructor barely turned in all the names on his roster and everybody passed. I dont know why I should still hate him. But I do. (Schmuhl 57). Smith took a difficult experience and turned it into a humorous essay filled with similes, metaphors, and all the style a commentator hind end ask for, proving that he truly is a prolific writer.The story and picture that Smith paints with his funny legend about his gym experiences show that he was able to transcend simple sports reporting and tell a story. His ability to capture the readers attention and take him or her on a excursion is what set him aside from other journalists of his time. All of this goes back to the fact that he wanted to be a writer more than he wanted to be sports journalist. Moreover, this essay proves that he had a vast stretch in his writing abilities and was not just stymied to the doldrums that some times encompass r egular sports reporting.Smiths ability to tell a story was one of the biggest reasons for his popularity and is what set him apart from the pack of sportswriters. Smiths writing was also varied and interesting due to his allusion to others. Rather than simply conveyning with his own dissertation or introduction, in this particular essay, Smith decided to give a quote from another writer who wrote about a similar experience. This helps capture the readers attention and introduce the topic in a more interesting manner.The quote from his essay, When I Was an Athlete, demonstrates how he quoted someone else to introduce his own topic Also, in order to pass gymnasium (and you had to pass it to graduate), you had to learn to swim if you didnt know how. I dont like the swimming pool, I didnt like swimming, and I didnt like the swimming instructor, and after all these years, I still dont. I never swam, but I passed my gym work anyway, by having another student give my gymnasium number (978 ) and swim across the pool in my place. (Schmuhl 54).This connection to James Thurbers quote provides a nice and refine way to get into his topic. Smith even goes as far as to discuss how the quote gave way to this piece, I dont know how many times I read this passage in James Thurbers account of his hard times at Ohio State before I connect it to my own trials as a freshman at Notre Dame (Schmuhl 54). This insight gives readers more to sink their teeth into and perpetuates Smiths strengths as a writer. Red Smith also went off on legal brief tangents, which allowed him to establish a conversational voice and make his writing more interesting.At multiple times in this essay, Smith began to discuss other experiences that didnt directly correspond with the original subject matter. For example, when he was discussing his experience at his track meet, he told the reader about how some people were laughing in the stands. With the conversational transition of perhaps I should explain th at he began to discuss how close he was to the people he roomed with and then brought his original story back with the transition the point is (Schmuhl 55).This provides yet another interesting story about his life and it gives readers an opportunity to better understand the smirch, but more importantly it allows readers to odour like they are in a conversation because of the voice and tone created by Smith. Smith also deviated from the central issue when he began to discuss his former experiences with swimming when he was much younger as he writes, Id been swimming since I was six or seven. When I was a squirt in Green Bay, Wisconsin it was a point of pride to be the first chump in the irrigate in any year. (Schmuhl 56).Here he didnt provide the same types of transitions, which allowed the reader to understand the change in topic. After giving some background information, Smith then goes back to his story and begin to discuss how he took the swimming test for his friend. These tangents allow for a more interesting and involved edition experience. Smith was also a see to it at using literary devices to paint a superb picture and to make his writing more interesting. As James Kilpatrick said, He had a nice peck for simile and metaphor, and this essay was no different (Schmuhl 45).However, not only did Smith occupy in similes and metaphors, he also made them humorous, which makes the picture he paints with his words all the more interesting. An example that truly embodies Red Smith is the quote from When I Was an Athlete in which he combines his famous use of similes and humor, indeed, faced with the unbearable prospect of resuming my place in the formation and, on command, rising on my toes and flapping my arms like a buzzard trying to take off, I read the fine print in the college archive (Schmuhl 54). Furthermore, he was able to use personification to bring the reader into his own mind and perception of events.He used the phrase the gun barked to describe how his race started at the meet (Schmuhl 55). This shows how he didnt only want to be there and even how he felt out of place. It makes the reader feel as though he was being forced to start the race because when a person is barked at, it doesnt bring up pleasant thoughts. His uses of metaphors, similes, and personification all bring more flare to his writing and bring people into the situation. As noted by James Kilpatrick, Red Smith had a keen sense of perspective in his writing (Schmuhl 45).Perhaps this is never more evident than in his essay, When I Was an Athlete. throughout the entire essay, Smith gives extensive point of view and thoughts from his own perspective. The readers get a sense that they are in Smiths shoes going through the experience. Smith exemplifies his skill for showing the reader the situation from his own eyes when he discusses his run at the meet, For a while I was alone. Then the short-handicap runners moved up, ran with me briefly, and went on . Pretty soon Kennedy and Nulty passed, and I was alone again. But not for long. Here ame the eager ones pour past, with a full lap on me. (Schmuhl 55).Through this quote it is clear that Smith was a master at using perspective to make the reader see and feel the situation as he did. Smiths use of perspective makes his essays more enjoyable to read and was also a fixings for Smith transcending the simplicities of sports reporting and becoming a tremendous writer. Smith also gave extensive detail in his writing. His detail also allowed the reader to jump into the scene with Smith and feel the same things, while picture a clearer picture of the events.The quote of, For lunch I had pork chops with applesauce, mashed potatoes, green peas, salad, several glasses of milk, and pie a la mode, shows how Smiths vivid memory gave the reader more information about the situation (Schmuhl 55). However, all these details about the food he ate werent quite as scatterbrained as they may have se emed, since he would later bring it up that he tasted the food as he struggled through his run and later became sick and threw up his extravagant lunch. This shows Smiths virtuoso in his writing because he gave information that may seem excessive at first, but later the reader is reminded of its importance.Smiths attention to detail propelled him to the top of the sportswriting field. Red Smith was a great writer and critically acclaimed as one of the best of all time. His numerous awards testify to his long immutable excellence as more than just a sports journalist, but as a writer in every sense of the word. None of it would be possible if it werent for his background and ability to produce great works such as When I Was an Athlete. Intangibles that range from his work ethic all the way to his ability to use the perfect metaphors make him one of the greatest writers to ever grace a piece of paper.

Friday, May 17, 2019

English Class Reflection Paper Essay

Its hard to believe that my amazing journey in slope 104 is culmination to an end. The journey has been so much more enjoyable than I initially expected. I name act to avoid taking English 104 numerous times because reading and writing have not been my industrial-strength points. Each time I attempted to take this course, I dropped it due to a particular instructor style, or a boring dress circle of literary materials. This time around was different, as I set my goal to obtain my bachelor degree in Business Administration by the end of this summer. Therefore, I was determined to force my way through this descriptor no matter what challenges I had to endure.To my pleasant surprise, this associate was much divulge than the others. I felt the information and learning come much easier. I enjoyed the class materials and the professor did a very good job responding in earnest to my submissions. Because of the much better experience, I truly believe I have become a better writer and a better critical thinker. Through the handling board and the professors guidance of our writing assignments, I have improved my analytical skills as sanitary as graveled a greater organizational skills.The discussion board was an important tool in developing my understanding of different aspects of the literary works reviewed in this course. This red-hot discussion format allowed me to read other students contributions on the same topic, as well as prof Duclos-Yourdons direct and prompts for a deeper analysis. For example, in week five discussion three, we discussed sis pack character, as I said Father Flynn offers reasonable explanation about the situation and his involvement with Donald and Sister James doubt is appeased. This shows that Sister James is easily persuaded and has no eager to actively seek the truth on her have(Vickery DB)Following my thread, Kimberly increase a very interesting question by adding, who is the real roughshod in this play Is it Father Fl ynn with what reported or is it Sister Aloysius as she manipulates Sister James for her own benefit?(Voss DB) Through engaging discussion with students on a regular basis, I was able to develop a more detailed understanding of literature work. Additionally, alternative views helped me to incorporate logic and critical sentiment into my arguments. As a result, I am better equipped to gather necessary information to grow writing my assignments.Professor Duclos-Yourdons guidance was crucial in helping me develop my critical cerebration skills. Our first literary analysis essay was the most difficult one for me in this course as I had not written an academic paper in nearly ten course of instructions. I immovable to write my first paper on The Yellow Wallpaper and treasured to submit my rough gulping for initial feedback. For fear of not achieving the minimum 1000 word requirement, I began to construct random ideas in my paper, as the professor commented, Your argument should sta y focused on the story. These larger implications can be raised in the conclusion if they come naturally from your argument.(Dulcos Essay1)Later, she suggested, To develop this argument, you could first write a paragraph establishing the paper as a symbol for entrapment (as you have done). Move from there to the narrators loss of individuality, and in the long run explore the narrators transformation into this shadow woman.(Duclos Essay1) These comments resonated with me and gave me great ideas on the direction I wanted to take the paper. I began to interpret the evidence in a deeper way and rethought my thesis statement to be more focused. Moreover, I deleted the unnecessary paragraphs, re form my ideas and supported with factual evidence. As a result, the comments I real from Professor Duclos-Yourdon were so insightful it helped not only develop confidence, but also resulted in a perfect grade.With the additional practice of literary analysis in this course, I conclude that writ ing is a lot like mathematic. Like mathematics, where there is a specific formula to follow to get a result, so there is also a formula in literary analysis to construct an organized essay. I learn in my previous English class that an essay consists of some very canonical elements, for example, an introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. It all sounds really easy, but without following some formula, the result wanders and is difficult to follow.What helped me in this course was learning to break paragraph down into more detail. For example, the topic sentence should clearly verbalize the reader what the paragraph will explore. Then, simple lead in sentences should be followed by evidence from the literature work. Finally, I complete the prograph with my own interpretation of the evidence. Its a pretty straight forward method and I can relate to it more as I love formulas. So every time I got baffled, I think of my paper as this giant math equation to solve. Taking the se featherbed steps has helped me in completing all my assignments without feeling defeated.Finally, I realize the importance of taking English classes during the first two years of ones college career because it prepares a person to communicate well in written words as well as spoken. Although I waited till the final year of college to take this course, the analytical, writing, and organizational skills I learned will benefit me for many years to come. I am looking forward to utilizing these newfound skills in my next career opportunity as well as graduate school.Work CitedDuclos-Yourdon, Melissa. Vickery_ Essay 1. May 13, 2012Vickery, Susie. Discussion 3 Sister James. May. 29, 2012Voss, Kimberly. Discussion 3 Sister James. May 31, 2012

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Tuition Reimbursement Implementation Report Essay

Tuition Reimbursement execution Report - Essay ExampleSince the program will enhance the employees retention, this alone will be a signifi earth-closett move for the line of descent. The contemporary challenge that is facing close to melodyes perennially is the inability to retain the employees (Arthur, 2008). The note will no coarseer experience the tedious exercise of recruiting and doing orientation to the new employees who also call for a period of time to acclimatize to the environment during which the efficiency level is much dwindling. If the business can be able to retain the employees who have had experience in the daily running of the business, it will be a great move since the intermittent trend being realized by the workforce overthrow will cease (Arthur, 2008). An employee that is given the tuition reimbursement normally have and demonstrates the feeling of responsibility owed to the business to level(p) do extra as a way of compensating for the program. The adv antages of the program come in a cascading manner, business is a dynamic venture and requires constant ability to engage and cope with. Allowe the employees to acquire further skills and information will only be much advantageous to the business since they will now have to forge critical contribution in the management and running of the business in the daily basis (Phillips, & Connell, 2010). The earned run average in which the management and decision making were a preserve of the top management body is long gone, the decision making today spiral from the employees upwards. This can only be possible if the employees are boost to advance in their academic life so as to enable them actively participates in their contentedness effectively. Experienced, properly educated and relevantly trained employees is an essential recipe in success in the business, this is owing to the much dynamic and fluid status of the business panorama (Phillips, & Connell, 2010). A business that does not compose this into account will not only experience perennial departure of the employees but also lay on the line retaining dinosaurs. This program will also open new avenues for the employees in the same business environment. This is because employees values the most any more that is mindful of there career growth and advancement. This program will also demonstrate the confidence on the employees that their employers values them and are much interested in their unique skills and will compulsion to retain them in their current station to serve better rather than despicable and scouting for the high hat next job available (Downey, March, & Berkman, 2007). This move will settle the psychological part of the employees about moving and searching for the best job. In implementing the program, the business will also be in a position of ascending their employees for greater position from the existing pool of employees rather than sourcing from outside the business, at least the busine ss will get top management employees from the experienced individuals already in the business. A classical utilization is when an employee has just completed his/her bachelors in human

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Without Efficient States, Productive Activity, and a High Level of Glo Literature review

Without Efficient States, Productive Activity, and a tall Level of Globalization Would Be Impossible - Literature review ExampleThus, the job of a char miner in Britain might depend on events in South Africa or Poland as ofttimes as on local management or national government decisions. Although the notion does not only if refer to world(a) interconnectedness. Globalisation is best understood as expressing fundamental aspects of time-space distancing. Globalisation concerns the intersection of posture and absence, the interlacing of social events, and social relations at a distance with local contextualities (Giddens 199121). David Harvey (1989240), too, refers to the fact that globalisation describes our changing experience of time and space or time-space compression. According to Jessop, phenomena firmly within an ontologically broader context of capitalist socio-economic and sociopolitical restructuring, in order to ascertain exactly how they intervene in power struggles ove r this restructuring. This would be in order to clarify whether or not these interventions are contingent or can be attributed to nonsubjective necessities. In this context, it makes no sense to postulate the market and the state axiomatically against cardinal another, since the two really presuppose one another (Jessop 199750-52). Hence and indeed following Jessop, (Magnus Ryner 2002 101) suggest that we pose the question of globalisation with reference to the means in which(a) socio-economic orders become materially reproduced (or not) done the configuration of a regime of accumulation and mode of canon(b) Potential and tendential social conflicts are managed (or not)-that is, how they are mediated, regulated, and neutralised-through socially embedded authority structures (c) This order is (or is not) normalized and stabilized through the articulation of the terms of legitimacy which engenders the social order with a stable consensual mass base(d) Questions (a), (b) and (c) i nterrelate to form (or not) a Gramscian historic bloc or sets of interacting historic blocs. The elating trade barriers, liberalization of capital markets, as intumesce as speedy technical development, particularly in the fields of information technology, transport, and telecommunications, have infinitely meliorate and hasten the faction of people, information, possessions, and resources. In the same federal agency, they have as rise expanded the variety of issues which propagate out the boundaries of nation-States necessitating international median setting and directive and, consequently, conference and formal discussions on a global or district scale. legion(predicate) of the tribulations distressing the world today such as poverty, ecological pollution, monetary crises, organized crime and terror campaign - are ever more transnational in nature, and cannot be a pact with simply at the national level, nor by State to State negotiations.Immense economic, as well as social in terdependence, seems to influence national decision-making processes in two essential ways. It calls for a transfer of decisions to the oecumenic level and, due to an increase in the stipulate for participation it as well needs numerous decisions to be relocated to confined levels of government.Thereby, globalization requires multifaceted decision-making processes, which occurs at diverse levels, explicitly sub-national, national, and global, paving the way to an emergent multi-layered structure of power.